A Regular Day....Or Not

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Meanwhile back on Earth,

Sophie is in Physical Education. It is Friday afternoon, last period of the day. Everyone is playing soccer outside on the field. Sophie is playing with a team wearing a yellow belt around her waist, while the other team are wearing green belts. The teams wore fake colored belts in order to tell which team is which. Throughout the game, Sophie's team behind the other team by a couple of points, that is because of the leader of the other team, John Matthews, a popular jock.

Shawn: John is really good at soccer.

Eric: Is there anything this guy can't do?

On the field, Sophie was at the goalie, waiting for the ball to come, so she can kick it away from the net while a fellow team member, Kyle Logan, stood by, wanting to help cover her.

Kyle: Got any plans for the weekend?

Sophie: (Shrugs) I don't know. Maybe watch some Looney Tunes reruns.

Kyle: (Rolls his eyes) You such a kid.

Sophie: So what. Nothing wrong with that.

The two got into position as the players were coming towards them, with the soccer ball. John kick the ball hard, but Sophie massaged to stop the ball, before it hit the net. The blue team cheered, when their teammate blocked the goal. While Katharine, a snobby teammate of Sophie's glared at her.

Katharine: (Glares) Hey twit! Let the hunk score!

Sophie: (Rolling her eyes) If he can get it past me, then sure.

Moments later, the red belt team came back again and John kicked the ball into the net and his team cheered.

Katharine: You suck!

Sophie: Relax! I got the next one!

Katharine: Well, here's you chance to prove it!

The girls got back into position as the red belt team was coming back at them. John kicked the ball towards the net, but this time, Sophie was determined to prove herself. So, Sophie kicked the ball so hard and the ball hit John right in the groin. He grabbed his crotch as he screamed like a girl and fall to the ground, and curl up in a ball. His and Sophie's teams winced and said "Ooooo" When they saw where John got hit. Mrs. Baker, the gym teacher, checked on John to see if he was alright.

Mrs. Baker: Are you alright?

John: (Dazed and Squeaked) Yes...

Mrs. Baker: Sophie, great kick. Just try to aim next time.

The students from the blue belt team stared at Sophie in stunned silence as she walked past the staring vacant eyes to the locker room. Katharine was fuming while Sophie gave her a smirk like Wile E. Coyote's.

Sophie: Still think I am useless?

When school was over and the bell rang, teenagers raced out of the building for the bus, their parent's waiting cars, or their own cars. Sophie was just passing the staircase, when she saw Katharine and some other girls. Sophie was walking by, when she heard their conversation.

Katharine: She is just a smug little girl, that deserves to get punched.

Kate: I can't stand her!

Kelly: I know!

Sophie rolled her eyes at them and started to walk home.

As she was walking, she was thinking on what desert she should make tonight. She makes desert for her family on Friday's, and she also set aside some for Bugs, since he likes her cooking.

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