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Rose was sitting on the couch in the living room, reading one of her books from the Library.

She had the phone next to her, just incase there was any news on Sophie. It was a few days, since she disappeared, and Rose was worried her daughter. If she was hurt, if she was sick. She didn't know.

Her thoughts were broken by a knock at the backyard door. Rose placed her bookmark on the page that she was reading on, and placed the book on the couch. She got up went to the door, placed her hand on the knob, turned it, and opened it to see Sophie. Rose gasped as tears came to her eyes as she stared at her daughter, who was smiling sheepishly at her.

Sophie: Hey mom. I hope that I am in time for dinner.

Faster then she could blink, Sophie found herself in her mother's arms as she wept on Sophie's shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her mother to comfort her the best she can. They remained like that for a few minutes before they pulled out of the hug and Rose wiped her tears and gave her daughter a happy smile.

Rose: Where were you, young lady?

Sophie: (Sheepishly Smiled) Well....

She looked to her right, and Wile appeared in the door, giving Rose a small smile, making the woman froze with shock.

Rose: (Pointing at Wile) Sweetie.....is that?

Sophie giggled as Wile wrapped his arms around Sophie's waist, and placed his head on hers.

Sophie: Yep. Wile E. Coyote. Also.....he is my boyfriend.

Rose stared at them for a moment, before laughing like a lunatic, and then falling unconscious on the floor and on her back.

Sophie and Wile stared at Rose, with wide eyes.

Sophie: That was better than I expected.

It had been a busy few days for everyone.

After Wile left, Sophie explained everything to her mother, who was still in disbelief about the entire thing, and since it brought her daughter great happiness with the Toons, Rose aloud Sophie to keep seeing her friends, and dating Wile. When Sophie went back to school, Katharine confronted her, and started running her mouth about how Sophie should of just stayed gone, but Sophie countered, saying that she can go to Katharine's parents and tell her about everything that their daughter has been doing to her. Katharine never bothered her again. Sophie went to a local gym, where she found the NBA stars, brooding. When she gave the ball from the game to them, they were amazed to find themselves, playing like they were before. Sophie and Wile's relationship was growing more and more, and Rose was seeing this, and was happy for Sophie.

Sophie felt like she was in paradise.

It was Saturday,

Sophie was watching Looney Tunes on the television in the living room, she was watching a Wile and Roadrunner cartoon, it was funny as it always is. But at the end of every episode, Wile would face Sophie and blow her a kiss.

Sophie: (Laughs) That coyote.

A knock was at the front door. Sophie found an envelope that has been through the bottom of the door. She opened the envelope and read it.

"What's up, kiddo. We heard that you have graduated high school, and we though it was time to make you a honorary Looney Tune. If you want to say with us after everything you've done for us. Because, you valiantly put your life on the line to protect us. Right now, we're throwing a party at the Looney Ballroom and wanted to invite you to welcome you. Sincerely, Bugs Bunny."

Half an hour later, Rose came back home to make dinner for Sophie, only to discover a letter written for her on the table. It was from Sophie.

"Dear Mom, Sorry for leaving without a goodbye. The Looney Tunes have offered me a job to work with them on their cartoons and to live with them. But I promise that I will visit you, when I can. Also, maybe sometimes I could bring Taz over for the two of you to meet, since he's your favorite Looney Tune. See ya, soon. Sophie

Rose smiled as she read the letter, and after reading it, she looked towards the forest in the backyard.

Rose: (Laughs) She will have a great time.

Rose then thought of something as she put on a thinking face.

Rose: I wonder how many grandchildren would I get from Sophie and Wile.

It was nighttime in Looney Tune Land.

Inside a large building, the Looney Ballroom, the Looney Tunes were getting down on the dance floor, moving to the rhythm of Coolio's The Winner. Bugs was dancing with Lola, Foghorn was tossing Miss Prissy in the air, Speedy did the Mexican hat dance, Taz was spinning and making moves on the dance floor, and Daffy was at the food table, munching snacks.

Only Wile was outside of the building, looking at his watch, waiting impatiently to if his wolf would come to the party. Suddenly, something came hurling out through the sky and the WB portal. Wile watched as the figure in the sky opened an umbrella and slowly landed to the ground, right in front of Wile. He saw Sophie, wearing a stunning white prom dress with a halter top and her brown hair is flowing down her back. She had three suitcases filled with clothes, hairbrush, toothbrush, and all of her Looney Tunes stuff.

Sophie: (Smile) Hey, Wile.

Wile was mesmerized by the beauty standing in front of him as he walked over to her.

Wile: (In awe) My dear....You look stunning.

Sophie giggled.

Wile: (Offering his arm and smiling) Shall we?

Sophie: (Taking his arm) Yes.

The doors parts parted open and the music stopped as the Toons turned around and gasped to see who it was standing at the door.

Recognizing the female wolf, the Looney Tunes rushed over and engulfed with warm hugs. Seeing how happy the gang is now that Sophie has arrived, Bugs instructed the Nerdlucks to play their welcoming song. The Nerdlucks put in a different CD into the radio and 'Show Me How You Burlesque' played loudly on the speakers. The Looney Tunes wen back to dancing, with Sophie joining a dance with Wile, Bugs, Lola, and Daffy.

Wile grabbed Sophie and twirled her around and then into his arms. They stared at each other for a few moments, before sharing a passionate kiss between the two of them. As the window beside them, showed the night sky, with the moon shining brightly and a shooting star passed the moon.

After the End Credits

Bugs Bunny pulls the credits screen off and talks to the viewers.

Bugs: Well, that's all folks!

Porky: Th-th-that's my line! Th-

Daffy: Step aside babe! Let a star do this! That's all-

He was suddenly pushed and fell off the screen as the Nerdlucks say farewell.

Nerdlucks: That's all folks!

Sophie and Wile stuck their heads out, with Sophie in her wolf form.

Sophie: Thanks for watching!

Wile: Goodbye

the characters disappear and THAT"S ALL FOLKS is written on the screen.

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