Sophie's Answer

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The toons led Sophie into the gymnasium.

Sophie: Bugs. I am still not sure.

Bugs: Eh, you will change your mind after seeing our facilities!

The wolf girl stared at the gym in shock and disgust. It was a like a hurricane came through.

Daffy: (Holds a hoop) We got hoops! (Hoop breaks and he falls)

Elmer: We got weights!

Taz lifted a weight, but a piece fell on the Goofy Gophers and it toppled, carrying Taz with it.

Sylvester: We've got balls!

He showed Sophie, a locker and opened it, but a variety of balls buried him. Sophie giggled.

Sophie: (Looks around the room) Uh, guys. What about the mess on the floor.

Daffy: Mess? You're about a little mess? There's nothing a little spit shine wouldn't fix. Spit Shine!

Sylvester: Spit Shine!

The toons starting spitting on the floor. Taz grabbed two mops and did his signature spin. As he spun around, he cleaned the whole gym, making it look brand new.

Taz: Lemony fresh!

Sophie: (Laughs) You guys are nuts.

Porky: Correction, we're the Looney Tunes.

Daffy: And as exclusively property and trademark of Warner Brothers Inc.

He held up his butt to show a WB logo, kissing the logo with a big smooch.

Suddenly, they heard a rumbling noise. Nawt burst through the door with a snarl, followed by Pound with a roar. Bang and Bupkus broke through the double door.

Bupkus: I'm here!

Blanko: (Enters) Me too! (Hits a basketball hoop and covers his face) That hurt!

The Monstars approached the wolf girl, growling with interest.

Sophie: (Glares at the Monstars) Who are these guys?

Bugs: (Hides behind Sophie) Well, remember the tiny aliens I told you about?

He pointed at the Monstars, indicating that those were the tiny aliens.

Sophie gulped.

Sophie: (Worried) Oh dear.

Pound: You've heard of the Dream Team, well we're the Mean Team, doll.

Bupkus: Doll!

Sophie: (Eye twitches) Doll?

Nawt: We're the Monstars:

Pound: I haven't seen you around, Doll. Where are you from?

Sophie hated being called Doll, and she is pretty sure, every female does.

Sophie: (Glares) I'm new around here.

Pound: Heard you are professional in basketball. Let's see what you got, girl!

He tossed the ball at Sophie, but Sophie did not want to play with these guys.

Sophie: I don't play with bullies. (She tosses the ball back to Pound.)

Bukpus: "I don't play with bullies"

The Monstars laughed at that comment.

Bang: Maybe you're chicken.

He started flapping his arms and clucking. Foghorn tried to defend the wolf girl.

Foghorn: I say, I resemble that remark!

Sophie: You are nothing, but children!

Pound: Hey!

Pound grabbed Sophie and made her into the shape of a basketball. Pound tossed her to Nawt and dribbled her. He tossed Sophie away to Bang, who caught her, and dunked her so hard that the glass from the basketball hoop broke. Sophie bounced and moaned until she came back to her normal shape. The Toons looked at her with worried faces as Sophie returned to her normal shape.

Pound: Hey everybody! Look at your hero now!

Sophie felt someone help stand up. She opened her eyes as she looked to the source only to see Wile. It turns out that Wile was the one, who helped her. Sophie couldn't help, but give Wile a small smile.

Sophie: (Smiling Kindly) Thanks, Wile.

He gives her a kind look back, that made her cheeks heat up.

Foghorn: You ok, miss?

Sophie: I think so. (Glares at the Monstars) You guys are making a big mistake.

Bang: You're all washed up, mutt!

Both Sophie and Wile growled at the insult.

Sophie: Mutt?!

Tweety: She is not washed up! Sophie's the greatest ever!

Bang: Shut up.

He flicked Tweety against the wall and slid to the ground. Sophie gasped and rushed over to him with Wile, right behind her. She gently picked Tweety up in her paws as him moaned in pain. Sophie and Wile were staring at him with concern.

Sophie: (Concerned) Tweety?

Tweety: My poor little cranium.

Blanko: Yeah, are you ok? (Bang and Bupkus growled at him) Whoops.

Tweety: You're not scared of them, are you Sophie?

Sophie glanced at the Monstars, who each gave her a evil grin. Furious and angered by the treatment that they gave Tweety, Sophie gently handed Tweety over to Wile. She then, whirled around to face the savages.

Sophie: (Growling) You are making a huge mistake.

Bang: Oooh. Like we're really scared of you. What are you gonna do about it, mutt?

The Monstars only laughed and jeered at her.

Pound: Sorry, basketball ain't right for you, Doll. (He shoves a finger in her face.)

Sophie tried her hardest to ignore their childish insults. But when they called her Doll again, that was when she snapped. Her whole body slowly turned red, ready to explode like the thermometer Daffy gave her earlier.

Growling, Sophie grabbed Pound's finger, and lifted him in the air, causing the Monstars to stop laughing, and watch as well as the Toons. Sophie then started slamming Pound on the ground over and over while he was screaming his head off. The Toons were staring at Sophie in amazement as She then shaped Pound into a ball like he did to her, and then tossed him into the air. Sophie then pulls a bat from behind her, readies herself, while having a evil wolfish smirk on her face. As Pound came back down, she swung the back and knocked him straight into the other Monstars, making them shoot out of the gym while screaming their heads off.

The Toons looked at Sophie in awe. They had never seen anyone stick up for them before, nor show that kind of nerve to stand up to those creeps.

Sophie: If those creeps, think for one minute that they are gonna take my childhood from me. They can think again.

Sophie then walked over to the basketball on the floor, picked it up, and faced the Looney Tunes. She then looked at each toon as they were giving her a hopeful look on each of their faces, she then stopped at Bugs, who was smirking at her, and then her eyes landed on Wile, who had a fond look on his face. Sophie really was in love with the coyote after all. She gave him a breath taking smile and it resulted in Wile having a dreamy look on his face as hearts were in his eyes. Sophie giggled at how silly, he looked, she then face her heores.

Sophie: (Smile) Let's play some basketball.

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