Victory and Goodbye

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Sophie was pacing back and forth on the court, trying to think of a plan. If they don't win, they everyone goes to Moron Mountain. She didn't know what to do.

Daffy: Hey coach? Listen you got anymore of that secret stuff? I think it's starting to wear off.

Sophie: (Giggles) Daffy,it didn't wear off; t was just water. You guys had the secret inside of you all along.

Daffy: (Shrugs) Yeah,i knew that. But listen, you got anymore?

Everyone else started asking, but Sophie rolled her eyes. Then she got a plan.

Sophie: Everyone! Huddle up!

Her team ran towards her and huddled up.

Sophie: Here's the plan. Daffy!

Daffy: (Salutes) Yes?

Sophie: You toss the ball to Lola. Lola, you dish it back to Bugs.

Lola: Gust!

Wile: Sophie! We're on defense!

Bugs: Oh yeah.

Sophie: OK. New plan. Somebody steal the ball, give it to me, and I'll score it before the time runs out.

Bugs: Don't lose that confidence guys! We have to win this! OK, paws and wings in here!

They placed their hands on top of each other, and headed to their positions. But then, Sophie had another idea, so she called over Daffy.

Sophie: Daffy, come over here.

Daffy: (Walks over to her) What is it, Toots?

Sophie: You see that chunky ape, over there?

She pointed at Pound, who smirked at Lola. Daffy nodded and Sophie whispered the plan in his ear. Daffy nodded.

Daffy: Uh-huh. Ooh, that's good!

Sophie: (Done whispering the plan.) Let's do this.

Daffy: (Nods) Right!

Marvin: (Gives the ball to Bupkus) Now. Let's all play fair, here.

But, Bupkus rudely smacked him with his elbow. Daffy put on a football helmet and got into charging position.

Daffy: It's gut-check time!

Bupkus tossed the ball to Pound, and he caught it. At the same time, Daffy charged at Pound, flew to stomach, causing him to drop the ball. Sophie took the ball and distracted the Monstars.

Sophie: This must be mine! Wile, I'm going left!

Wile: Give me the ball! (Sophie gives him the ball)

Sophie: Don't ever trust an Earthling, boys!

Wile threw the ball to Lola, who dribbled it, and was surrounded by Bang and Blanko.

Bang: Get the girl!

Daffy: C'mon, c'mon! I'm open! I'm o-

But, Bugs got in the way and used his ears to catch the ball and tossed it to Sophie.

Blanko: Bring it on.

Sophie teasingly held the ball out to him, then stuck her leg out to make Blanko trip. She tossed the ball to Daffy, who was getting close to the basket, until Pound came up from behind.

Pound: You're mine!

In slow motion, Daffy was about to toss the ball, when Pound came down. crushing him. The audience and the Toon Squad gasped in horror. But, the ball popped out and Sophie caught it.

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