A Problem and Breakdown

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That night in New York City at an NBA game, the Nerdlucks snuck into the game wearing a trench-coat and hat. They stole the talents from the five NBA stars, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Muggsy Bogues, Larry Johnson, and Shawn Bradley, leaving the players tripping over themselves like fifth-graders at their first square dance.

At home, Sophie was watching TV in her room. The news about the NBA incident was on the TV. It was showing clips of the NBA players getting hit in the face with the ball, dropping the ball, and walking awkwardly, not to mention acting strange.

Sophie: (Bewildered) Seriously, what the heck is going?! First a spaceship at a football game, then happened on my favorite show, and now this.

Sophie sighed and laid her head down on her pillow.

Sophie: Maybe I should ask Bugs, if he knows something.

She turns her head towards her window on the left side of her room, looks at the forest in her backyard.

Sophie: What is he doing anyway?

In Looney Tune Land, Bugs was showing Sylvester, Elmer, Foghorn, Wile, Sam, Porky, Pepe, Tweety, and Taz how to play basketball.

Bugs: Ok, ok. Now. Which of you maroons has ever played basketball before?

No one answered. Obviously, no toon has ever played basketball before. The Daffy popped up.

Daffy: I have coach! And there's an important question I need to ask you.

A stage appeared and on the walls were shadows of ducks wearing women's clothes. Daffy was dressing up in different styles of clothes while 'Giving You All That I Got' plays in the background.

Daffy: What do you think? I'm kind of partial to purple and gold myself. It goes better with my coloring.

Porky: (Comes over) Guys! Uh, n-nice outfit Daffy. T-The little aliens say it's their turn to use the court.

The Nerdlucks were working out, but not too well.

Bugs: Eh sure. Let the little pipsqueaks knock themselves out.

Daffy: Too bad. You can't practice getting taller boys!

The other toons laughed and walked off. But as the toons started to leave, the sky got dark and thunder crashed. The Nerdlucks opened a bag and touched a glowing ball that held the NBA player's talents. They touched the ball and started to feel funny.

The toons turned around to see what happened. Suddenly, the Nerdlucks began to transform and grew bigger, taller, muscular, and scarier. The toons looked up at them terrified as the monsters towered over them, grinning malevolently, like a group of bullies.

Blanko: Hey little pig. Boo

Porky: Aaaah! (Looks down) I wet myself.

Bang: (Picks up the basketball) Time to play a little basketball.

He threw the ball to the ground, causing an earthquake and surrounding Daffy, Porky, Sylvester, Elmer, Wile, Taz, Sam, and Foghorn.

Daffy: Those little pipsqueaks just turned into superstars!

Porky: They're m-m-m-monsters!

Sylvester: Suffering succotash! They're Monstars!

The Monstars stomped away, while Bang popped the ball between his fingers with a pop.

Bang: Bye, bye.

As the Monstars left, a building collapsed. Bugs was munching on a carrot and watched them leave, then turned to the audience.

Bugs: Eh, I think we might need a little bit of help.

A short time later,

Sophie was at the park, practicing for the next gym class activity next week, which is basketball. She was shooting, dribbling, and etc. as she was pretending that she was facing opponents. She was so focused in what she was doing, that she did not see a pair of binoculars watching her from a rabbit hole.

As she was practicing, a voice called out to her.

???: (Snobbish tone) Hey Sophie.

Sophie turned around and scowled at the owner of the voice, Katharine.

Sophie: (Turns back to shooting hoops) What do you want now, Katharine?

Katharine: What are you doing?

Sophie: Practicing for next week's activity.

Katharine scoffs at Sophie, making said person, stop and fully turn towards her.

Sophie: (Glares) What now?

Katharine: That is what don't get about you. You're a girl and yet you enjoy doing boyish things. What you spend to much time with you dear old dad.

Sophie drops the basketball and glares harshly at Katharine.

Sophie: Carefully where you are trending, Katharine.

Katharine just gives her a cruel and evil smile.

Katharine: At least....I still have my father.

Sophie's glare intensified.

Katharine: What ever did happen to you dad? Did he abandon you, Oh that is probably it. I mean, who wouldn't want a useless weakling like you, and who knows maybe you're mother will abandon you soon. (Laughs cruelly)

Sophie was trying to hold in her anger as Katharine was running her mouth at her, but when she talked about her mother abandoning her, that was when she snapped. She shoved Katharine

Sophie: (Sneers and Speaks Harshly) You think you are all tough, because you are daddy's little girl. Well, you need to face things on your own, because daddy dearest won't be there to protect you from all you battles. (Lowers her head as her shoulders began to shake.)

Sophie lifted her head up, making Katharine see the tears running down Sophie's face.

Sophie: My father was sleeping with another w-woman, ever since I-I was b-born, so I don't know what it is like to have a f-father, nor do I want that awful man in my life, ever ag-gain.

As she spoke, Sophie's voice was starting to crack.

Katharine just stared at Sophie, before a cruel smirk formed on her face.

Katharine: Then, maybe you should not have been born then.

Sophie's tears came down faster. She had enough of people like Katharine, making fun of her, for her father, she wanted it to end. Sophie began to break down, she then turned around ran towards the hilltop that were near the park....

in the direction of the rabbit hole.

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