Montage and Nightly Confessions

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At the gym, Daffy, Porky, Taz, Foghorn, Sylvester, Tweety, Wile, and Lola were using a TV and moving along to an exercise instructor on screen.

Bugs stuck his head out from the door to the locker room.

Bugs: Eh, guys?

Looney Tunes: Yes?

Bugs: Look who's finally ready to play.

As he stepped back and opened the door, Sophie walked out. Her basketball uniform was all blue with black lining. The Toons stared at her with looks of awe.

Sophie: You better pay attention to see how it is done.

She began showing the Toons some moves and ducked the ball in the hoop without missing. The Toons were clapping and cheering for her.

Sophie: Got it? (The Toons nod) Good! Now. Show me what you got.

Through the day to afternoon, and after the next day's practice. Sophie decided to explore the rest of Looney Tune Land for fun, or hang out with her toons.Wile was trying to build super rocket blades to help him in the big game, tomorrow. But, the pieces didn't fit well and they fell apart. Sophie saw this and attempted to help him. At first, Wile thought that Sophie couldn't do it, but that changed when he saw Sophie managed to put it together.

When Wile attempted to try out the rocket blades, they went too fast and then Wile crashed into a wall. Concerned, Sophie ran over to him, and kneeled down on the ground while taking his head in her arms. The coyote slowly opened his eyes and gazed up into the wolf girl's beautiful and sparkling eyes. The way that she is looking at him and holding him, it sent a spark through the coyote's body. Wile gave her a small smile to let her know, that he is fine. She smiled back at him, and ran her hand through the fur on his head, as he closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation.

That night, the Looney Tunes were at Bugs' mansion. Sophie was telling them about her life. They never knew that they kept their number one favorite fan going after her whole ordeal. When she told them about the incident with the soccer ball, they all laughed so hard that they were not making any noise. But that changed, when Sophie told them about the thing with Katharine, they were really angry that Wile, picked up Roadrunner and tossed him out the window without realizing that he had his nemesis in his hands, Sophie was touched that the Toons are so protective of her.That night, the Looney Tunes left for their homes for the night.

Sophie was sitting in the grass in front of the mansion as she was looking up and watching the stars. She heard footsteps behind her, so when she turned she saw that it was Wile.

Sophie: (Smiling) Hey, Wile.

Wile: (Smiling back) Hello, my dear.

Wile sat down next to Sophie, and joined her at watching the stars. They spent a hour at star-gazing, just enjoying the silence, before Wile spoke up.

Wile: Sophie?

Sophie: (Turning towards him) Hmm?

Wile: I have two questions. May I ask them?

Sophie: Sure.

Wile: (Smirking) First question. Is it true that you sleep with a plush version of me?

Sophie felt her entire body heat up as her eye's went wide she panicked.

Sophie: (Blushing and panicking) W-W-W-Who told you that?!

Wile: Bugs let it out in his sleep.

Sophie started grumbling threats at the rabbit making Wile laugh.

Sophie: (Grumbling) Yeah. It's true.

Wile: Splendid. Now the second question. Might I confess something?

Sophie was curious, so she looked at him with still a faint blush on her face.

Sophie: Sure.

Wile took a deep breath before letting it out.

Wile: When I first met you, I thought I saw a beautiful angel that has came down from heaven after hearing out plea. But as days went by as you spent time with us while practicing for the game, or just having fun with us. I realized that you are not a angel, but a goddess, who would do anything to keep us from harm. Plus, during those few days, it had me realize that.......I have fallen in love with you, my dear.

Sophie was frozen with shock. Wile E. Coyote, her favorite Looney Tune is in love with her. Her heart began to thump against her ribcage as it started beating really fast. Plus, she felt like she was about to burst with joy. Wile sighs, lowers his head while closing his eyes.

Wile: But. I understand if you don't feel the same way.

Wile was waiting to be rejected. He had always thought that with him, being nerdy. He would never find someone to love. He didn't want to be alone anymore.

The coyote felt a paw on his cheek as it turn his head, he then suddenly felt something pressed against his lips. His eyes shot open to see the source is that Sophie is KISSING him. He closed his eyes, and without breaking the kiss, he brought her into his arms and lap. He wrapped his arms around her as she wrapped her around his neck. After a few moments, they had to stop for air. The new couple smiled at each other with love.

Sophie: You have no long....I've waited to do that.

They laughed as they felt the happiness between the two of them.

Sophie: (Softly) I love you...Wile E. Coyote.

Wile: (Softly) As I love you...Sophie Smith.

The coyote then picked up the wolf girl up, bridle style and carried her inside the mansion.

They didn't notice Nawt had seen this touching moment and he left with a sneer.

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