A new teammate and a trip

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The Toons were in the gym practicing for the game.

But, they were doing what they would do normally do in their cartoons. Yosemite Sam fired his guns, Foghorn was whacking Barnyard Dog's butt, Pepe pranced after Penelope, and Taz was spinning as usual. Daffy lost a bunch of feathers on his butt. Wile E. Coyote got his hands on a basketball after it bounced off of Daffy's head, but Roadrunner stole it from him and meep, meeped at him. Roadrunner raced around the room, spun around Sophie, and raced off into a painted image of the desert. An angry Wile tried to go after him, but he smacked face into the painted image and it rolled up, wrapping up Wile in the process. Sophie ran over, pulled Wile out and brushed him off.

Sophie: (Worried) Are you alright?

Wile: Don't worry, my dear. I am used to it.

Sophie gasped.

Sophie: (Surprised) You talked.

Wile: True, but i only speak, when i am working with Bugs Bunny. (Twiddles thumbs, nervously) Does it bother you?

Sophie: (Giggled) No. I always found it quite charming.

Wile: (Laughs) Well, i must also say that your voice sounds like the voice of a angel.

The two canines just stood there gazing into each other's eyes, with nothing, but fondness in their eyes. The moment was broken, when someone cleared their throat. The canines looked over to see, Bugs with a smirk on his face. Sophie and Wile smiled at each other, before the female canine walked over to Bugs.

Bugs: (Smirking) Eh, What were you doing, toots?

Sophie rolled her eyes, playfully at him. Then, she addressed the Toons.

Sophie: Ok! Isn't there anyone here, who knows hot to play basketball?

The doors to the gym opened and a pretty, slim, peach and cream colored, blond haired, female bunny entered the gym.

???: Um, i have!

Sophie: Where did you come form?

???: I heard that you're practicing for a big game. I'd like to try out for the team.

Bugs: (Love-struck) She is the rabbit of my dreams! Muscles of steel...fur as soft as silk...brave as a lion! I love her! I...(Chokes)...love her!

The female bunny smiled and held her hand for a handshake, introducing herself to bugs.

Lola: Hi. My name is Lola Bunny.

Bugs: (Shakes her hand, eagerly) Lola!

Lola: (Giggles) Yes?

Bugs: Hello, name is...(Belches) BUGS!

Lola chuckled while Bugs, embarrassed, cleared his throat.

Bugs: You wanna play a little one on one, Doll?

Hearing that word, Sophie pretty much grabbed everyone, but Bugs and Lola. Once she placed everyone on the other side of the room, they looked over to her in confusion, to which she kindly explained.

Sophie: You know how mad i was, when the Monstars called me, Doll? (The Toons nod their heads) That is what Bugs, pretty much did to Lola.

They looked over and saw Lola's eyes burned with anger while Bugs, not knowing this, had hearts in his eyes.

Lola: DOLL?!

Bugs: Uh-huh!

Lola: On the court...BUGS.

Bugs: Sure!

He rushed over to join her on their little one on one game.

Tweety: Ooh. She's hot.

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