Chapter Two

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Walking into the house, I step out of my shoes, shut the door behind myself and start towards the stairs to my room.

"Kayla, is that you? Can you come into lounge room please?" my mother calls out to me.

"Sure, Mum," I say walking into the lounge room bags still in hand. "Am I in trouble?"

I see my Mum sitting in her favourite spot in the lounge. Dad was sitting on the lounge beside her. Looking at them, I can see why they fell in love with each other. My mother has long blonde hair, jade green eyes, a creamy complexion with a couple of freckles on the tip of her nose and is five feet six tall with a slender, curvy build. My father has short black hair, topaz blue eyes, a medium athlete's build and a slightly olive complexion and is six feet two tall. The lounge sits on the left-hand side of the room across from the entertainment system, across from the doorway is an open fireplace with a marble mantelpiece on top. On the mantelpiece are Steven and I's most recent school photos, a photo of Michael and me at our year ten formal, a family photo and a photo from my graduation. I can also smell the vanilla candles that are around the room on the mantel and the coffee table.

"No, you aren't in trouble we have to tell you some stuff will be difficult for you to hear," My father tells me. "I think you should sit down."

"Okay," I say sitting down in the recliner near the lounge. "What's up?"

"First, where is Steven?" Mum asks me.

"He's with Zoey. They decided to catch up for a bit, organize some formal stuff," I tell them. "Why?"

"Well, sweetie, because what we're about to tell you he can't know about yet," Dad says. "I think your Mum should tell you I'm no good at this stuff."

"Okay, tell me what?" I ask suddenly worried.

"Well, as you know we adopted you when you were only a couple of months old..." Mum says.

"Yes, I know. You told me when I was twelve. What has this got to do with anything?" I ask slightly confused.

"Well, we told you we couldn't tell you anything about your biological parents because we didn't know anything. We said they were long lost friends, well in truth we couldn't tell you because we were sworn to spells in place by the Royal Council," my Mum says.

"Okay, Now I'm really confused. What spells? What are you talking about?" I asked feeling extremely confused.

"The spells of secrecy that some of our people can do, Kayla, you know you are a succubus, but you aren't just a normal succubus. You're a Princess. You are the last of your bloodline. You're special," My mother says.

"Wait. Wait, wait I'm a Princess. Why didn't you tell me before?" I ask in complete shock.

"I'm sorry, I really am, but the royal Succubi and Incubi Council forbid us to tell you until now. But you must know that it was for your safety, we were originally supposed to tell you two weeks before your eighteenth," Mum says.

"Wait a minute you said that you originally were supposed to tell me two weeks before my eighteenth, so what's changed that the Council let you tell me early?" I ask try to stay calm. Not that many people can stay calm after the just found out that they're a Princess.

"What changed is we asked permission to tell you earlier than planned. We told them that was not long enough to get a dress and the crown made or for you and to learn multiple dances. It took some convincing, but they agreed to let us tell you earlier than planned," Dad tells me.

"Can you tell me anything about my parents?" I ask desperately to find out what I can.

"I have a photo in my room hidden. I'll go get it for you," My mother says getting up and heading down the hall.

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