Chapter Three

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Opening the door and seeing who is on the other side has me in shock. I see my high school sewing teacher Mrs. Donovan and her husband. Stepping forward, Mr. Donovan takes my hand, bowing and kisses it. "Princess Lascher, what a pleasure to meet you." He tells me stepping aside for Mrs. Donovan to greet me.

"Princess Lascher," she says with a curtsey.

"I ask that you don't call me Princess tonight, please call me by my first name," I say gesturing for them to come in and shutting the door behind them. "Steven doesn't know he is too young and I have not gotten used to the news yet myself. If you follow me, I'll show you to the dining room. And if you'll please not mention it at the dinner table I would appreciate it."

Walking into the dining room, everyone says hello and takes their seats around the table. "No, you sit at the head of the table, Kayla," Dad tells me as I go to sit in my normal seat across from Steven.

"Okay," I say taking the seat my father has pulled out for me.

"Okay, everyone serve up your dinner and start eating," my mother tells everyone.

Reaching over I serve myself some chicken, potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, peas, corn, zucchini and put some gravy on my food. I grab my cutlery and start eating. While we're eating, my mother and Mrs. Donovan start up a conversation concerning someone I've never heard of and about their wedding to someone else I've never heard of.

"Mum, may I go get a drink?" Steven asks when they finish talking.

"Sure, Steven," Mum tells him.

"Would anyone else like a drink?" Steven asks getting up from the table.

"Yes, please, would you like any help?" I ask starting to get up.

"No, I've got it," Steven says. "Would you like anything, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan?"

"Yes, please, do you any wine in the house?" asks Mrs. Donovan.

"Yes, I believe we do. Steven, I believe it's in the cupboard with the wine glasses. Can you get Mrs. Donovan a glass of it, please, then stick it in the fridge," Mum tells Steven.

"Yes, Mum," he says turning and walking to the kitchen.

"Okay, so I have some big news for you. Gwendolyn and Mark, you got permission to tell Steven that Kayla is a Royal. The Royal Council notified me today and asked me to tell you, however, there is a catch. It'It's only because they need a sibling to crown Kayla and Steven is the closest thing Kayla has to a sibling," Mrs. Donovan tells us.

"Okay, well that's a good thing we were worried about that part of the ceremony. We'll tell Steven after dinner." Mum says.

Just then Steven walks in with a tray of drinks. "Here you go, Kayla, I got your favourite mineral water. Mrs. Donovan, I brought you the glass of wine, Mum, Dad, Mr. Donovan I also brought you each a glass." He says, handing out the glasses of drink as he says it and then sits down with his glass. "I hope you don't mind Kayla I got a glass of your mineral water for myself."

"That's fine, I know how nice it is," I tell him before taking a sip.

"So may I ask what's for dessert?" asks Mrs. Donovan.

"Kayla made a lemon raspberry cheesecake yesterday. It has to set in the fridge overnight." Mum tells her proudly. She has always been proud of my cooking.

"If everyone is ready for dessert I can grab it from the fridge while Steven quickly clears the dirty plates." I offer.

"Sure, yes please," Mr. Donovan says while everyone else nods in agreement.

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