Chapter Five

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I stand in the kitchen stir frying chicken while Michael leans against the fridge watching.

"You know you could help me, right?" I ask him politely turning to look at him quickly.

"Well I don't want to disturb you," he says to me.

I go back to the chicken, taking out the first lot and put in the second one. When suddenly, I feel a pair of hands go around my waist., Turning off the wok, I turn around to Michael leaning in giving me a kiss. His lips are soft. The kiss is entirely sweet, as his lips mold and move with mine. His hand cups my face and pushing them open, as the kiss gets more passionate. After what feels like forever but has probably only been a few minutes I pull back to catch my breath.

"I really need to finish cooking dinner," I say reluctantly.

"Well, I'll just go stand back where I was," he says moving to stand over by the fridge.

"Thank you," I say turning the wok back on.

When I've finished stir frying the chicken, I put it on a plate and start stir frying the carrots and shallots. TThen after a minute I add snow peas and Pad Thai sauce and cook it until the vegetables are crisp then add the eggs. WWhen cooked I add the cooked noodles and chicken and stir until combined. When finished, I put it in a serving bowl and garnish with bean sprouts, peanuts and coriander.

"Dinner's ready," I call out as I walk to the dining room with chicken Pad Thai. Michael follows carrying the bowls and forks. "Set them on the table, please."

"Oh, that smells delicious, Kayla. What is it?" Steven asks as he takes his seat at the table.

"Chicken Pad Thai," I tell him joyfully also taking my seat.

Once everyone is seated and has been served we start eating in silence. The only sound in the room, while everyone ate, was the sound of forks clinking on the bowls and the sounds of enjoyment.

"This tastes delicious, Kayla," Dad says using his fork to indicate his bowl of chicken Pad Thai. "What made you think of this?"

"I found it on my favourite recipe site and I thought I would try it," I tell him in between bites.

"Steven, since Kayla cooked tonight, it is your turn to clear the table and wash up after dessert," Mum says when everyone is finished eating. "Kayla, I need to tell you some things."

"Alright, can we please move to the lounge and discuss what needs to be discussed," I ask politely while Steven starts clearing the table.

"Sure, let's go," says Mum getting up and leading everyone to the lounge room.

When everyone is seated in their normal seats with Michael sharing my seat with me, I look at Mum expectantly.

"Alright, so we have a lot of things to organize for your Crowning ceremony, so we're going to be on a strict schedule for the next month," Mum tells me.

"What's on the schedule?" I ask Mum curiously.

"Dance lessons two days a week for two hours. You'll have to learn three custom waltzes that are unique to your family that are danced at Crowning ceremonies. As well as practice traditional waltzes. For the custom waltzes you will dance one with the king incubus that will be the first of the night, one with Michael and one with Steven. You will also dance a traditional waltz with the oldest male member of each of the other royal families. You and your father will dance a traditional waltz as well. There's a succubus dance teacher coming in to teach you," Mum tells me.

"What else is there?" I ask seeing that I'm going to be extremely busy.

"You have to spend time with Kate having measurements taken and fittings for the dress. You also have to make a menu for the Crowning ceremony dinner, it's tradition. We have to organize for flowers to be delivered to the house. We have to order table linens. We have to decorate the Crowning hall. We have a couple of meetings with the king incubus. We also have to rehearse for the ceremony as there are some things you have to say during the ceremony. As well as get the corsages for your formal and attend your formal since it was agreed that you should not miss out on it and we have to organize for a cake to be made," Mum tells me.

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