Chapter Eight

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Sitting at the table half an hour later, I've finally calmed down enough that I've stopped shaking and have managed to keep up a flow of polite conversation.

"Prince Zach, have you got any children?" I ask with polite curiosity.

"No, we don't but I have raised Josh since he was very little," he tells me politely.

"That was very sweet of you," I tell him politely

Just then Claire and Justin enter and serve dessert set a plate with a slice of orange cake and a scoop of vanilla ice cream which effectively puts a stop to all conversation because everyone starts eating and enjoying their dessert.

After everyone has finished eating their dessert, Claire and Justin remove the plates. When they walk past me, they both give a nod and an encouraging smile.

"May I ask who made that cake," Prince Zach asks with an air of curiosity.

"I did with the assistance of Claire," I tell him.

I see my biological Mum standing on the beach with waves lapping against her ankles, staring at the ocean like it holds all the answers. She turns and I see where I got my looks from., Sshe starts walking towards me and when she reaches me she says, "We don't have much time so first, I'm sorry that you didn't find out sooner, but it was for your own safety. Second trust your Guardians, they are the best there is, but you also have to watch out for yourself," she tells me.

"I love you, Mum," I tell her.

"I love you too, Kayla, but this is just a dream and you need to wake up now," she tells me before turning and walking into the ocean. "Kayla,"

"Kayla, Kayla, it's time to wake up," I hear a female voice while someone shakes me gently. "You have a dance lesson, dress fitting, we have to get the flowers for the ceremony and your school formal and we have to go to the school to volunteer as chaperones."

"Okay, Okay, I'm up," I say sitting up, stifling a yawn and seeing that it is Claire who woke me up.

"You have ten minutes to get up and be ready to go," Claire tells me nervously.

"What?" I asked alarmed. "Why didn't my alarm go off?"

"It just did I turned it off and woke you up," she tells me.

I look over at the clock "Why do I only have ten minutes to get ready? Its half past eight," I say climbing out of bed with a stretch.

"Because we are going to breakfast and then we have an appointment to go to, to organize your flowers," she tells me politely.

"Who are we that you mentioned in that statement?" I ask while I grab a pair of tan knee-length shorts and a pale green button up blouse.

"You, Justin, Michael and I," she tells me quickly.

"Okay, well I need you to step out so I can get dressed," I say with a pointed look at the door.

"I'll wait outside for you," she says and steps outside shutting the door behind her.

I get dressed quickly, brush my hair, put on some lip balm and a pair of pale green ballet flats. I grab my phone, handbag, list and ceremony shoes, to try on with the dress, before walking out the door.

"Ready?" Claire asks.

"Ready," I say and follow her downstairs.

Justin meets us at the door to the garage. "Okay, so we need to go over the plan for guarding you today. Kayla, Claire will stay next to you at all times. I will remain at a distance but always within eyesight when it is appropriate. Otherwise I'll be close as well, and I will also be driving for you today. Do you understand what is happening?" Justin asks me.

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