Chapter Thirteen

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When I wake up, I feel refreshed and ready to start the day. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs in search of breakfast. I quickly decide on a bowl of porridge and fresh berries. Once I finish eating my breakfast, I pack a small basket with some fruits, salad, and a couple of bottles of water and some cheese and crackers. Once I've got my picnic packed, I get a blanket from the linen closet, grab my copy of The Fault In Our Stars and go in search of Justin or Claire to see if they'll go to the park with me.

"Hey, Claire, would you like to go to the park with me?" I ask when I find her in the lounge room.

"Sure, I'd love that, I'll tell Justin and we can all go together," Claire replies excitedly.

"Well, everything is ready, so if you want to get something to do while we are at the park I'll make you a sandwich," I say.

I quickly head to the kitchen to make a couple of extra sandwiches to add to the basket while Claire gets Justin and something to do while we are there. Once everything was ready, we head to the park down the road from my house and set up the blankets we grabbed so that we could each stretch out and read a book.

"Claire," I say, sitting up after reading for a couple of hours.

"Yes?" she asks looking at me over the top of her book.

"I have a date tonight with Josh. We're going bowling," I tell her getting slightly excited.

"Are you serious?" she says slightly shocked, "That's great."

"Well, I was wondering if you could help me get ready for it tonight," I say excitedly.

"You know it," She says happily. "How about we have our lunch and then we can head back to the house and get you ready for your date."

"Sure," I say and pass her a ham and salad sandwich.

"What's on it?" Claire inquires politely.

"There's cheese, tomato, lettuce, beetroot, spinach, cucumber, red capsicum, alfalfa sprouts, pineapple, avocado and mayo," I tell her with a laugh since I made the sandwich with all her favourite salad items.

"Thank you," she says and takes a huge bite.

"Justin, here you go," I say passing him a chicken and cheese sandwich.

"Thanks," he says taking the sandwich from me.

I then pull out my salad with diced chicken pieces, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato, mushrooms, capsicum, celery, crispy Chinese noodles, beetroot, cucumber, avocado, broccoli, spinach, and feta and a small dressing container with a balsamic vinaigrette. I quickly pour the vinaigrette over the salad, pull out the fork I packed and start eating it with joy.

"So what do you think about this shirt with these shorts," I say holding up a pair of cream shorts and a princess blue button-down blouse with a white spaghetti strap singlet underneath.

"What other ideas have you got?" Claire asks with a smile.

I dig around in my closet until I find a pair of white mid-thigh length shorts and a rose pink button up shirt with pearl buttons. When I show them to her, she gets a big smile on her face and starts nodding before I can say anything.

"That's perfect. How about you sit down and I'll do your hair for you," she says patting the bed in front of her.

I sit down while she does my hair in a plait down my back and then pulls it up into a bun on top of my head, when she is done with that she does my makeup in light neutral colours.

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