Chapter Fifteen

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"Welcome, everyone," I hear a deep booming voice shout to what must be a crowd of people. "You are all here to witness the last of the Lascher Succubi/ incubi bloodline die."

"If you are going to kill me, at least take off the blindfold and look me in the eye," I say because I bravely wanted to see the face of the person who would bring about my death and look them in the eyes as they did it.

"Before we continue let me introduce you to the young man who won the battle for this honor," says a deep booming voice.

The man pulls the blindfold off and I look around quickly and realize that we are in an arena. I look at the man and recognize him as Michael. As I look him in the eye, he pulls his right hand up and aims the gun he has in it at my head. I noticed a movement on Michael's left side. I risk a quick glance in that direction to see Christabel standing there with a smug look on her face. I shut my eyes and wait for the gun to go off.

Just when I expect the gun to go off, I hear an explosion. I open my eyes to see what is going on. Looking up, I see a group of people enter and recognize them as Guardians and leading the pack my mother, my father, Claire, Justin and Steven. When Steven sees me, he starts running to me. He sees Michael holding the gun and instantly puts a protective shield up between Michael and me. When he has seen that I'm safe, he starts towards Michael. When he reaches him, he wrestles the gun from his hand and punches him hard right in the nose.

I'm still kneeling when I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder and turn around with a jump to see Josh standing there. He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the exit. We struggle to get through the crowd of hunters and Guardians fighting. When we finally get outside, he pulls me to the side of the building and towards a tall fence. When we get there, he helps me climb it and pulls me towards a line of cars with even more Guardians waiting. When I reach the cars, a lean muscular young red-haired guy opens the back door to the car in the middle for me to climb in.

"Are you okay?" Josh asks touching my arm.

I open my mouth to answer him and burst out crying. Josh digs around in his pockets for a minute, pulls a small silver key out and takes the handcuffs off, puts his arms around me and cradles me to his chest, while I cry. We sit like that for about ten minutes before a couple of people climb in the car and the car starts moving.

"Where are we going?" I ask my voice muffled by Josh's chest.

"We're going to the Council," he says rubbing my back.

"Why are we going there?" I ask looking up at his face.

"We are going to Council because it isn't safe for you anywhere else," he explains.

I sit in silence, watching the houses and then we leave the city limits. The trees passed as we made our way to Council.

When we reach Council, after everyone has arrived, we are taken straight to the main building, lead through a series of hallways to a grand room. The King sits in a chair at the head of a massive table surrounded by the other crowned royals.

"What happened? How did the Hunters get to her? And how was it missed that a second person close to her was Hunters?" the King asks without giving anyone a chance to answer.

"I can answer the first question but not the other ones," I say to the King trying to stay calm.

"Then please explain, Princess," says Ian.

"I went to get my stuff like you said. When I went to get my crown from my parent's room I was ambushed. She had a gun pointed at my head," I managed to get out before I burst out crying again.

"Okay, you don't have to say anymore, Princess," says Ian, "however I want someone else to explain to me how this could happen."

"It happened because we didn't expect the threat to come from this person. We expected the threat to come from Michael," Steven explains as best as he can above my crying.

"Okay, well I will be putting her in protective custody," Ian says, "Princess."

"Yeah," I say with tears streaming down my face.

"We are going to have to move up your crowning for the next couple of days," Ian tells me, "You'll also be staying with me while under protective custody."

"Okay," I say with a sob.

"I have a room prepared for you to stay in with everything you will need," he says rising. "If you follow me I will show you to your room."

I stand up and Josh follows suit. Ian leads us from the room through another set of hallways to a room. Entering the room, it immediately makes me think of a hotel room. In the room is a large TV, DVD player, a large collection of DVDs and a lounge. I walk through the door and find a bedroom with a giant bed, an en-suite off to one side of the room and near it is a set of double doors. When I open them, I see that it is a walk in closet. I walk straight in and find a dresser in the back full of pajamas; I grab a pair and walk out of the closet.

"Is everything to your liking, Princess?" Ian asks me.

"Yes, thank you," I say before heading towards the bathroom.

When I enter the bathroom, I find a large bathtub, bubble bath, bath salts and some of my favourite shea butter body wash. I run a bath full of bath salts and bubble bath. I climb in and let myself cry in peace. After I feel like I can't cry anymore, I take a deep breath and put my head under water. When I can't handle it anymore, I pull my head out and climb out of the bath. Once I'm dressed, I walk out to the lounge to find Josh and Ian sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Kayla, I waited before taking Josh to his room, I thought you might like to say good night to him before I did that," Ian says.

"No, please can he stay with me? I can't stay by myself not tonight," I say starting to feel upset.

"That's fine. I'll sleep on the couch," Josh offers quickly.

"Okay, well I will see you both tomorrow morning for breakfast at ten sharp. We have lots to discuss," Ian says before leaving.

I search for some spare blankets and help Josh make himself a bed on the lounge.

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