"Morninggggg" I scream as I jump on Shannon's bed. There's no time to sleep when we have a beautiful boat to explore.
"Ugh, what time is it" Shan moans. Normally Shan is always up early and asleep early, but because she was up really late last night she's not waking up this morning.
"Fine you stay asleep while I get us breakfast, but you're waking up when I get back missy" I say, before closing the door and heading down to the breakfast bar. There's so much to choose from, I think I'll just take it all up to her.
"Morning gorgeous" I hear from behind me suddenly. When I turn around I see Harry standing there with his gorgeous dimples and his gorgeous green eyes glowing.
"Morning" I say coldly, walking around him to put some bread and butter on my plate.
"Did you girls sleep okay last night?" He asks.
"Fine" I nod.
"Okay,what's going on?" Harry asks, looking confused. The cheek of him to act like he doesn't know he blew me off last night and now he's trying to act like everything's cool.
"I get that you aren't interested in me, so please stop with the falseness, there's no point" I shrug.
"What are you talking about, of course I'm interested in you" he sighs, pulling my arm to stop me from walking away.
"Then why wouldn't you come back to my room with me last night? If you was really interested you would have jumped at the chance to spend a night with me." I spit.
He doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with a pained expression on his face, not even blinking.
"Yeah that's what I thought" I shake my head and pull away from his grip, grabbing the breakfast tray and taking it back to our room.
Boys aye.

The Cruise - Harry Styles - Completed
FanfictionJayde and Shannon are best friends who decide to go on a cruise for the summer. When they get onto the boat they meet four boys who change their life forever. What will they do when the perfect summer that changed everything is over and it's time t...