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Harrys POV:

The smell of blood is constantly pulsing through my whole body, everywhere I go, the urge is too much and I'm scared it's going to take over soon and I won't be able to control it. I'm running out of blood bags and I'm staying on this cruise for another 3 months, soon I have to find blood, someone on this cruise has to die. I grab one and gulp the blood from it in one go, I'm starving.

"Niall take a look at this" I call. He walks over and looks in the fridge, his face turns pale when he realises there's only three blood bags left.

"Shit" he groans, sitting back on the bed. Niall is my best friend, he's been a massive support, he's been there with me every step of the way making sure I don't take an innocent life. He knows someone needs to die for me to have my fix of blood otherwise I will die, it's just the way it is, so he always finds me someone who deserves to die. "I'm on it". He has a book of criminals and does he research, he has a way of seeing who's a criminal on this cruise.

When I think of Jayde's face last night my stomach turns, it's so hard for me to turn her down and seem cold but I just can't trust myself around her, she has fresh blood and a gorgeous neck that's just begging to be drained. I want nothing more than to push her up against a wall and rip her clothes off, but I can't because the second I smell her blood, I will have no control and it won't just be her clothes that are getting ripped. I can't risk her life like that, it's just not fair and I'd never forgive myself. I know she doesn't have a clue what my problem is and she thinks I'm not interested in her, but maybe that's for the best.

The Cruise - Harry Styles - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now