Shannons POV:
My head is throbbing, my eyes are sore, my palms are sweating and the world is spinning. I'm sitting on the floor with blood dripping from my mouth. I look up and see Harry standing over me.
I'm alive, after seeing and feeling a bullet go through my chest, that must mean I've turned. I can feel it already, the cravings, I can smells everyone's blood pumping through their bodies and I can hear everyone's heartbeats like they're right in my ears.
"Have I turned?" I mumble. My mouth is watering with every word I manage to get out.
"It was the only way to save your life, you know that." Harry nods, his voice is really quite with all the other loud noises going on in my head. I look up at Niall and he tries to give me a little smile but I can see how pale and distraught he looks. He didn't want this for me, no one did.
I completely understand why jayde bit me now, all I can smell is blood, all I can hear is blood, all I can see is the blood running through Nialls body as I'm looking at his. His veins in his neck are practically popping out of his neck, calling me. Harry and Jayde's blood makes my stomach turn. The other boys are too far away, so that leaves Niall, he's just standing there, staring.
I stand up slowly, holding everything in my way for balance as I move towards Niall. I can hear Harry and jayde panic behind me so I move quicker, throwing myself at Niall and biting down on his neck, hard. Closing my eyes as Nialls blood drips down my throat. It's like having a vodka and lemonade for the first time when you're underage. Amazing, even though you know it's wrong.

The Cruise - Harry Styles - Completed
FanfictionJayde and Shannon are best friends who decide to go on a cruise for the summer. When they get onto the boat they meet four boys who change their life forever. What will they do when the perfect summer that changed everything is over and it's time t...