Dear human

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They say you are fire

from the candles

of the souls you lit
but arsonists wear armors

and I want to look within.
Your words, I know,

are bare,

naked on lavender sheets.
I could just lay here and see

your eyes speak poetry
and from the

few pages I've seen,

this, I know,
"The home is only

as beautiful as its

Dear human,

please let me in.
Author's note:

There's a first version of this poem and I wrote it for one of my favorite poets, Christopher Poindexter. (Hence, the references.)

Now I just wanna share and dedicate this to all the beautiful human beings who've been keeping a brightly lit candle inside them, even if the wind seems to be too strong

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Now I just wanna share and dedicate this to all the beautiful human beings who've been keeping a brightly lit candle inside them, even if the wind seems to be too strong. :)

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