Author's Note (in 2020, wow)

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Hello friends!

How have you been? 2020 is ending and I hope we'll all see better days in the coming year. Sending virtual hugs to everyone reading this!

Okay, I can't believe I'm writing this note. It's been years since I published anything. I missed it here! :')

First, I would like to thank you for reading this book, along with my other books here in Wattpad. Visiting here again is always a bliss and reading your kind comments makes my heart flutter every time. Which book was your favorite?

With that, I'm planning to publish and sell an illustrated e-book version of my books. This has been a long dream of my old self and I think I'm ready to finally make that real. Would you be interested in supporting me? I would like to know what you think of this idea. Please leave your comments down below. ♥

Hoping I could write to you guys again soon about this project!

Stay safe, always.

Love, CM

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