Episode 8

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Lionblaze and Half Moon

(Whisper summoned Lionblaze to a place)

Lionblaze: Where am I?

Whisper: You are in a place :P Have fun.

Lionblaze: >:( *walks around and sees a cat*

Half Moon: *meditating*

Lionblaze: *pokes Half Moon*

Half Moon: Jay Wing?

Lionblaze: Who is Jay Wing?

Half Moon: Nevermind. So, who are you?

Lionblaze: I'm Lionblaze, I have invincibility powers.

Half Moon: Cool.

Lionblaze: Could I tell you something I never told any cat.

Half Moon: Sure, my name is H-

Lionblaze: Shhhh. I shall continue.

Half Moon: Fine *rolls eyes*

Lionblaze: My brother Jayfeather was talking about this Half Moon, Stoneteller cat to me, and he rambles too much. I really don't like this cat.

Half Moon: I see...

Lionblaze: Half Moon is taking my brother away from me and I wish to speak to her and tell her to leave my brother alone.

Half Moon: Please explain

Lionblaze: *More rambling*

(93636829394 years later)

Half Moon: Let me tell you a secret.

Lionblaze: Are we like best buds now?

Half Moon: Let's go with that.

Lionblaze: Please continue.

Half Moon: My name is... Half Moon

Lionblaze: 0.0

Whisper: Lionblaze, why.

Lionblaze: Whisper, are we best buds.

Whisper: *disappears*

Lionblaze: Half Moon?

Half Moon: I don't like you.

Lionblaze: :( *dies*

I hope you liked :D


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