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"So, what made you move to Paris?" Adrien asked as he slides his hand along a nearby table.

"Oh um- my mom got a job out here and we had to move" I lie.

I can't tell him the truth, he'd think I was crazy.

He nods his head.

"What school are you going to?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going.

"Françoise Dupont High school"

"Oh cool I go there too!"

"Really! Do you want a ride to school in the morning?" He asked.

"Oh, sure, thank you!"

"No problem."

I hear Adrien's stomach growl and I gasp.

"I'm so sorry where are my manners, would you like any food?"

Adrien laughs and then replies. "Yes please"

I go to the kitchen and grab drinks and some snacks for the both of us.

"Are you busy right now? My father also asked me to show you around town if you wanted."

"I am free actually and I would really appreciate that."

«Time Skip»

So far I've met Nino, Alya, Nathaniel, Julika, Lila, and Marinette.

I already know everyone Adrien is introducing me to but I have to pretend I don't.

Me and Adrien are walking down the streets of Paris just talking and getting to know each other better. He learned that I like to sing and draw.

We stop by an ice cream place to get some ice cream.

"Are you two dating?" The lady asked as she scoops our ice creams.

"Who me and her?" Adrien asked turning a light pink.

The lady nods.

"No no, we are just neighbors. We just met actually!" I reply.

"Oh two bad, you guys would make a perfect couple." She says as she hands us our ice cream.

"Your total is 8.60." She states.

"I can pay!" Adrien says reaching in his pocket.

"No, I'm paying! You showed me around town, it's the least I can do!" I grab his hand out of his pocket and I grab my money.

"Are you sure Y/n?" Adrien asked. "I don't mind paying."

"I'm sure." I smile before handing the lady the money.

She smiles at me and shakes her head as she moves the money towards me.

"Never mind you guys...it's on the house."

"Thank you so much ma'am!" I smile at her and I put my money away.

Adrien goes to grab us spoons while I find us a table. We both sit down and reach for our spoons. We ended reaching for the same ones and we both pull our hands away.

I know I'm blushing and I swear I see a tinted pink on Adriens cheeks.

"I'm sorry, you grab your spoon first." I hide my face.

Adrien nods and grabs his spoon.

A little girl comes running past us and she pushed my elbow causing my ice cream to fall onto the floor.

"Awe dang it." I groan.

I pick up the ice cream from the floor and I walk over to the trash can to throw it away.

I walk back to the table and I frown.

"Well, so much for my ice cream." I sigh.

"We could share if you want?" Adrien offers.

"Thanks Adrien."

We eat the ice cream together then we walk home. We are currently on my front porch sitting at the steps.

"Adrien, are you like famous or something? I noticed you were on a bunch of posters around Paris!"

"Oh, um I'm a model for my dad actually."

"Oh really, cool! I've always wanted to be a model but I don't think I'm pretty enough to do it." I look down.

Adrien places a hand under my chin and looks me in the eyes.

"I think you're beautiful." He says.

This causes me to blush and him to blush also.

"Th-thanks" I smile as I look away.

Our moment is cut short as Adrien gets a call. He answers it.

"Hello father...What?" Adrien exclaims as he lifts up his wrist to look at his watch. "I'm sorry father, I didn't realize it was that late. I'm on my way now."

Adrien hangs up the phone and looks at me as he stands up.

"Hey, I've got to get going. I'll see you in the morning if you still want that ride!"

"Alright, bye Adrien" I get up off of the steps and fist bump Adrien.

He starts to walk away but turns back around.

"Do you have a phone?" He asked.

I nod my head yes.

He takes out his phone and hands it to me.

"Let me get your number so I can call you  when I get here tomorrow morning."

I enter my number into his phone and I and hand it back to him.

"Alright see ya!" Is the last thing he says before running off.

I go inside my house and I smile.
"Best Day Ever."


I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I wanna hear from my readers, so leave your feedback in the comments or private message me. If you have any ideas or things you want to happen you can also tell me that too!

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