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(Chloe in the background of this gif makes me laugh so hard 😂😂)


I walk downstairs and walk to the kitchen.

My mom is making our plates.

I notice she is making four plates.

"Mom, there are only three of us." I tell her.

"Nope, we have guest sweetie." she says.

"Who's out guest?"

"Go see!" she smiles.

"Alright." I slowly walk to the kitchen and peek around the corner.

My eyes widen.

"A-Adrien" I whisper.

I walk back to the kitchen and my mom has a smirk on her face.

"He's spending a night too." she says.

"Oh god, why did you do this?" I asked.

"I don't know I thought you guys could keep each other company."

"I need to go change into something better looking." I groan.

"You look fine!" She says.

"Shush, quite down!" I shush her. "I'll take the plates inside, you go sit." I tell my mom.

"Okay, see ya." she says walking to the dinner area.

I grab two plates and give one to Adrien and the other one to my mom.

I then go back into the kitchen and grab the other two plates.

When I get back into the dinner area I give my dad his plate and I set mine down.

I walk back into the kitchen and grab four cups.

I set them down on the table and go back into the kitchen again.

I grabbed some Fruit Punch and set it in the middle of the table.

I take my seat next to my mom.

The table is a circle so it goes me, my mom, my dad, then Adrien. That makes me sit next to Adrien.

I really hate my parents right now.

"Time for the prayer." my dad says.

My family connects hands when we pray.

Wait a minute! That means I have to--- hold Adrien's hand!

My eyes widen. I grab my moms hand and then I slowly grab Adrien's hand.

His hands are soft and warm.

I close my eyes and bow my head waiting for the prayer to begin. I feel my cheeks getting hot.

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