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"I'm so happy right now!" I cheer.

"Me too" he smiles.

I pulled him in a hug and we just stay like that for a while.

There is a knock on Adrien's room door and he tells them to come in.

It's Natalie she walks in holding a clipboard.
"Adrien," she says. "You have a photoshoot in five minutes get your things together and get to the car."

She says not looking up from the clipboard.

"Can my friend come?" He asked.

"What friend?" Natalie asked looking up.

She sees me and a smile spreads across her face.

"This is not your friend Adrien." she laughs. "She's your girlfriend."

"Same thing."Adrien blushed grabbing his things.

"How are you y/n?" She asked me.

"I'm doing good! You?"

"I'm going fine thank you for asking." she smiles.

"And yes Adrien, your girlfriend can come she's modelling with you."

"Great." he grabs my hand and we follow Natalie to the car.

We drive to the park and there is a picnic set up.

"Come come." says the photographer. "You are late!"

"By 5 seconds." Natalie says.

Me and Adrien walk to our dressing rooms and they put me in this.

Adrien came out in a white shirt and black jeans cute but simple

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Adrien came out in a white shirt and black jeans cute but simple.

We start to take pictures and then we eat and take a break. Once the photo shoot is over we go back to Adrien's house.

While we are driving through his gates I look at my house. I see a moving van parked in front of it.

"Adrien, is my house sold?" I asked him.
"Oh, yeah."

"Where am I gonna sleep?" I ask him.

"Sleep here. I put all of your things in another room."

"Okay, as long as its okay with your dad."

"Of course it is." he laughs.

"After all you are his future daughter in law." he says with a wink.

This causes me to blush.

We park the car and walk inside.

Adrien shows me to the room I'm staying in which is across from his and I walk into it.

I go through my things and I find a black and red box. I smiled and open it. I put on the bracelet and Lilly pops out.

"Y/n!" she says hugging me.

"Lilly!" I smiled.

"I missed you so much y/n."

"I missed you too Lilly."

I turn on the TV once she is done hugging me. 

The news is on.

"Where is Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Cheetah when you need them." I hear the reporter yell and run away.

Then the camera shuts off.

"Lilly!" I yelled jumping up "Paws out!"

I transform and I run to Adrien's room.

He isn't there and I'm guessing he had already left.

I run to the destination and I do a backflip into a fighting pose as I land next to Chat Noir.

"Hey guys. What are we dealing with?" I asked.

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