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My mom tells me and Adrien to go upstairs to my room.

I quickly walk to my room and I lock the door. I sit on the couch and Adrien sits next to me.

"Babe! They can't get married." I say.

"I know we would be brother and sister." Adrien replied.

"This isn't fair! We have been dating for two and a half years now. I never told my mom we were dating and you never told your dad. The only people who know are people at school and Nina!"

"Yeah I know."

"Adrien I don't want to break up!" I jump up out of my seat.

"We aren't gonna break up." Adrien says standing in front of me.

"We are gonna figure this out together. Okay babe?" He grabs my waist.

"Okay." I say looking into his beautiful green eyes.

He leans down and kisses my lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck and  kiss him back.

After about 20 seconds we both pull away.

"I love you." he says kissing my nose.

"I love you too." I peck his lips.

I sit down on the couch and Adrien joins me.

I straddle his waist and I kiss his lips. The kiss started off sweetly but then it got heated.

I hear a knock at the door and Adrien groans irritated. I get off of his lap and I open the door. It's Nina.

"Hey Y/n." she smiles.

"Hi Nina, what's up?"

"I brought you and Adrien some lunch and I wanted to talk to you guys."

"Okay, come in." I open my door wider so she could enter then I closed it locking it again.

"I heard your mom is going to marry Adrien's dad." she says as she puts the food on my table in my room.

"Yeah." I say.

"And I came to tell you guys I know how you could still date each other even if they get married."

"Really how?!" Adrien says before I can.

"Would you guys like juice?" She asked.

"Yes please. Thank you."

"How can we still date?" Adrien asks.

"Just keep it a secret like you've been doing all this time." Nina says.

"Nina your a genius! I can't believe we didn't think of that!" I smile hugging her.

"NINA!" my mom calls.

"Whoops I have to go. You can thank me by baking me some of your delicious desserts!" Nina walks out the door. I lock it again and I sit by Adrien.

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