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I make my way downstairs and I see my mother, Adrien and his dad.

"I am here to get Adrien." I say with a smile.

"Y-y/n? Is that you?" Adrien says getting up.

"No, I'm Crystal Heart.Come with me." I reach out for his hand.

"Have you been Akumanized?" He gasped.

I don't say anything I just trap my mom and Gabriel in a cage made of Crystal.

"Y/n!" My mother yells. "Let me out of here!"

"No way!" I put crystal over her mouth so I don't have to hear her.

"And it's Crystal Heart" I glare at her.

"Y/n- I I mean Crystal Heart" Adrien says.

"Yes my love?" I smile at him.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked taking a step closer to me.

"My mom and your dad aren't letting us be together and we are made for each other!" I say. "We can go live together and live happily as long as they are trapped in that cage."

"Crystal Heart I didn't fall in love with you I fell in love with Y/n and you aren't her." he says.

"W-what!" I yell. "You don't love me anymore?" I ask him.

"I love y/n not Crystal Heart!" He says.

"If you don't love me then you will never love again!" I yell at him.

I quickly shoot crystal at him and he runs in a circle. I look up and I see he has trapped us together.

"Ha, silly boy! Now we are stuck together" I smile.

"Nope, just apart of my plan!" Adrien says.

Ladybug comes through my front door and stands by the cage. Adrien walks toward me and I back away. I'm soon up against the bars of the cage I made.

"W-what?" I studder.

He walks closer to me and kisses my lips.

I kiss him back.

He grabs my bracelet and throws it outside the cage.

Ladybug smashes it and does her special thing. I never mentioned that her Miraculous fixed itsself magicly.

Everything goes back to normal and I look at Adrien.

Before I could speak my mom pulls me into my room.

"Young lady you are leaving right this instant!" She yells.

She gives me my bags and walks me to the front door.

"The limo will take you to your aunts house." she pushed me out the door and I walk in the car.

As the limo drives off I look back at my house. When it's out of sight I look down at my hands and I start to sob.

A Few Months Later

I was watching this show yesterday and this lady popped up on my screen. She said "Y/n I am the one that brought you to this show! Your time is running out sweetie. You have tonight and tomorrow until I take you back home" she says then she goes away.

"What?" I say to myself. I try to rewind the show but the lady isn't there.


It's 10:50 back at home. I transform into Cheetah and I jump out my window.

"Super Speed!" I yell.

I quickly run towards my old house. I make it there in 5 minutes.

I stop out of breath and I take a quick rest. I get up and I climb up to my room.

I keep the window unlocked and I quietly open it. I hop inside and walk across the hall to Adrien's room. He's on his phone.

"Psst" I say to him.

He looks up and sees me.

"There you are!" He whisper yells. "What took you so long?" He asked.

"I had a long day and I was tired." I say. I de transform and I hug Adrien.

"I've missed you so much." I whisper to him.

"I've missed you too." he hugs me back.

"I wish I could be with you forever!" I say a tear slipping for my eye.

I think about the lady from earlier.

"You can visit me everyday. I'll stay awake to see you." he says pulling away from the hug.

"Kitten, why are you crying?" He asked me.

"I-I can't be here with you forever...I'm going back home where I belong." I cry harder. "I only have two days left with you."

"What do you mean?" He asked me looking into my (eye color) eyes.

"Y-your a television show character! I made a wish and wished to come here with you and somehow it came true and the lady that sent me here says I only have 2 days left."


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