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I open my eyes and I see Chat Noir. He is carrying me bridal style.

"Hey there." he winks.

I smiled at him "Good kitty,"

"Y/n are you okay?" Alya asked.

"Yeah thanks to Chat Noir." I say.

Chat starts running away.

"Hey wait come back! Where are you going?" Alya runs after us.

Chat turns in an alley and we loose Alya.

He puts me down and immediately pulls me into a hug.

"I-I thought I wasn't gonna make it to you in time!" He says.

His eyes look sad.

"All that matters is that you did." I say to him as I pull away from the hug.

"Your my hero." Chat smiles and kisses my lips.

I hear a gasp come from the beginning of the alley.

"Y/n why did Chat Noir just kiss you?!" They say.

My eyes widen I know that voice--it's Alya! Wherever she goes she has her camera on.

"I-I didn't kiss him! I think you need your glasses fixed girl."

"No I have proof on video!" Alya says.

"Look Chat Noir. I don't know if your from around here but Y/n has a boyfriend!"

"I'm from around here and yes, I know she has a boyfriend." Chat says.

"Unless your her boyfriend-which your not- I would keep my hands off of her cause her and Adrien are the best couple in Paris." Alya says walking closer to us.

"Hey wait a minute." she puts her pointing finger on her chin and taps it.

"You look very familiar." she says.

"I guess I just have that face." Chat says with a shrug.

"Hold the phone." Alya says "This can't be!"

She gasps.

She goes through her purse and pulls out a magazine. She opens it up and goes to a picture of Adrien.

She puts the picture side by side to Chat Noir and squeals.

"Your Adrien." she whisper.. "That explains everything!"

She jumps up and down. I face palm myself.

"Alya that's ridiculous he looks nothing like my Adrien."

"Don't deny it y/n it's him and you know it."

I roll my eyes. "Take us all to my room Kitty."

"Okay." Adrien says.

He grabs my waist and I grab Alyas hand. He extended his sick and lands on my roof.

We jump to the balcony and Chloe is gone. The window is still open so we go through that. I close the widow and I close the blinds.

"Alya, we need to talk."

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