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Once we make it back to Adrien's house we all change into our pajamas. I put on a movie and let the previews run.

While the movies previews are playing I make popcorn and pour it into a big bowl. I walk back to the room and Adrien, Alya, and Nino are waiting for me.

We watch the movie and I look at the time 11.

"What do you guys want to do?" I asked them.

Adrien shrugs his shoulders, Nino does the same, and Alya says "We should play a game."

"Which game?" I asked her.

"Uno!" she yelled.

"Shhhh, my dad and stepmother are asleep" Adrien says.

"Nina?" I called. Nina comes running into the room.

"Yes ma'am." she says to me.

"Can you please go get the Uno cards for us?" I asked.

"Of course, Anything else?"

"No, not at the moment."

After a few minutes of waiting Nina comes back with the Uno cards.

I pass them out and we start to play.

Alya puts down a red six and then Nino puts down a blue nine.

"Uno!" Nino yells.

"Not even" I say to him "that is a nine not a six."

"Stop trying to cheat Nino!" Adrien says with a laugh.

"I don't have a red card." Nino frowns.

"Here..." Alya says throwing Nino a red card.

"You can't trade cards in Uno!" I say.

"We are a team." Alya says.

"No teams.." Adrien says picking up the card from the stack. He hands it to Alya and she hands it to Nino.

"Fine. Me and Y/n are a team too then!" Adrien puts an arm around my shoulders causing me to blush.

"I-I mean if you want." I say looking down.

We continue to play and then everyone starts cheating.

"Okay I can't take this! I throw my cards in the arm and fall back onto the carpet.
"Nina?" I called quietly.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Can I have my fencing gear?" I say with a smirk looking at Adrien.

"Yes you may. I'll go get it for you."

A few minutes later she comes back. I get off the floor and grab my clothes from Nina.

"Thank you." I say running away to the bathroom. I change my clothes and get into my gear.

Iwalk out the bathroom with my sword in my hand and go back to Alya, Adrien, and Nino.

I point my sword toward Adrien's chest.
"En garde!"

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