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I wake up in the morning and I do all of my hygiene and stuff.

I turn on my TV and I slowly flip through the channels. I skip channel 17 but then something makes me change back to it. I turn to channel 17 and I see a girl that looks like y/n crying on the floor.

"Y/n!" I yelled. I run up to the TV and I tap the screen. I keep on tapping it but she doesn't hear me.. Maybe it's a one way thing. I put my head against the glass with a sigh. "Come on y/n."



I silently cry on my living room floor and I have the TV muted. I wipe my tears and glance at the TV. I see Adrien on it with his head down.

"Adrien." I say as I make my way to the TV.

I knock on the screen and he looks up his green eyes sparkling once he sees me. I grab the remote and I un mute it.

"Kitten!" he says happily.

I smile. "I miss you."

"I miss you too!" He says.

"I wish I could see you again!" I say to him.

"Me too." he says looking down.

Plagg flies out and puts his face on the TV.

"Where is Lilly!" Plagg asked happily.

"I haven't seen her since I've gotten back... I don't think she exist here." I say causing Plagg to frown.

"Awe." he says.

"Im sorry." I say to him.

Adrien laughs and I giggle.

I out my hand on the screen and Adrien does the same.

"I-I love you." he says blushing.

I'm taken aback by his sudden outburst but I smiled. "I love you too!"

This is the first time he's said I love you to me.

"I just wish I could see you again!" I say closing my eyes with a frown.

"Me too." he says.

I close my hand like we are intertwined our fingers.

"Please." I say as a tear slips down my eyes.

I wrap my arms around the TV like I'm hugging Adrien, he does the same.

I keep my eyes closed and I feel
someone's body heat and arms wrapped around me. I open my eyes and I see Adrien.

"A-Adrien" he looks up and I hug him tighter.

He chuckled. "I-I can't believe this!" He says.

"I'm so happy!" I smile.

He looks in my eyes and kissed my lips.

"Guess what?" He says.


"My dad is married to someone else. Her name is Mindy!"

"So that means that we aren't-- brother and sister anymore!" I smiled.

"That's right." he smiled too.

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