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I'm guessing I fell asleep because I woke up to the sound of the bell going off.

I quickly gather my things and walk out of class. Adrien is there waiting for me just like he said.

"How was class?"

"It was boring, I fell asleep." I giggle.

"Oh, the next class isn't boring. There is always something to do."

We walk into class and Chloe is there again.

"Oh Adrikins! You're finally here! I thought you were never gonna come!" She hugs him.

Adrien tries to push her away but he fails.

"Um Chloe. C-Can you let me go please?" He asks her.

"I'll never let you go!" She yells.

"Miss. Bourgeios and Mr. Agreste take your seats please." The teacher says.

"It looks like we have a new student class." she looks at me and then she speaks again. "Please come introduce yourself to the class!"

I walk to the front of the class and look at everyone.

"Hi, I'm Y/n." I wave.

Chloe laughs. "That's all you have to say about yourself?"

"I'm sure you want to hear more about me but, that's all you need to know." I roll my eyes and look at the teacher. "Where do I sit?" I ask her.

"Next to Alya, Alya raise your hand please."

Alya raises her hand and I sit next to her.

Adrien and Nino are in front of us.

"Sorry about Chloe." Adrien whispers.

Before I get a chance to say it's okay, the door opens and Marinette walks in out of breath.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Bustier!" she says.

"Marinette this is the 3rd time that you are late this week." Miss Bustier says "Since you were late you got your seat taken by the new student Y/n. Go sit with Nathaniel."

Marinette makes her way to her seat.

On her way there she has to past me I hear her mutter "Stupid new girl".

"Alright, for the next week we are going to be working in groups of four! Each group will have to make an outfit for a student in your group. You will be able to pick your group's." She hands out a paper with instructions on it then she says. "You may begin."

"Hey Y/n and Alya, you guys wanna work with me and Adrien?" Nino asked turning around so he can face us.

"Yeah sure." Alya says.

"What about me?" I hear someone say.

I turn to see Marinette.

"Sorry Marinette our group is full." Nino replies.

"Ugh, whatever." she rolls her eyes and walks away.

"So who are we gonna make the outfit for?" I asked.

"We could make it for Nino." Adrien suggests.

"No. Not for me, I like my style already." Nino says.

"Alya!" I look at her and smirk. "We are making you an outfit girly."

"Okay that's cool with me!" she smiles.

We start to work on ideas for the outfit and before I know it the bell rings.

~Time Skip, Fencing Class~

I get dressed in my fencing clothes and walk into the fencing room. The teacher tells us to pick a partner. I look for Adrien but I can't find him.

I wonder where he went. I sigh.

I ended up fencing with a random person.

Class went by quickly and it's time to go home.
I grab my phone out my backpack and I have a text from Adrien.

It reads 'Sorry I had to leave early something came up'

I start to walk home and I see that an old man has dropped 200 dollars on the floor.

I pick it up and run to him.

"Excuse me sir, you dropped your money." I say.

"Thank you young lady!" he smiles and I continue to walk home.

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