Time goes on while i stay in slow motion

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Dear Daddy,

I know i only wrote you a week or so ago, but i need to tell you something important! So that Niall Kid, he is actually so nice and sweet. he's my best friend he hangs around with me and Robyn a lot . He's from Mullingar in Ireland and has a cool accent. Niall only lives down the road from us so i'm always down there, it's my way of getting away from mum. We are having a sleep over tonight! Boys and girls can do that right? He only has one guy friend and thats Jake, but everyone knows Jake is too big of a mama's boy to go and sleep at someones house.

Anyways, So me and Niall are having a sleepover tonight! it's gonna be rad! it's the first sleepover i have been to, well asked to since you went to heaven. I'm super excited! His mum is really nice as well she said i'm like the daughter she never had. Niall always call me El bear, He's Nialler for me or Ni.

Dad i hope your okay with me being best friends with a guy, and i hope your okay with me going to his house all night! Oh my gosh look at the time 6:05 i have to be down there soon i got to finish packing! I hope your proud of me daddy, i finally made a new friend. Good night, sweet dreams. 

question: are the beds comfy in heaven? are they made of clouds?? 

Bye daddy, I will see yo soon.

Forever Yours,

Elle xx

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