Part 2

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The first lesson begin and as always everybody starts laughing at me. Omg look what she's wearing today!! Emoo!! The teacher looks angry at me. Emma go and take your sit says the teacher. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Emma Woods. I'm 17 years old and I'm a big fan of Demi Lovato. I'm suicidal and only live with my mom. My father left us since I was 7 months old. I have no brothers and sisters. My mom has always supported me in everything. She nows that I´m a big fan of Demi and she always tried to find a way to meet her. The days at school are always going so slow. Finally it´s the end of the day. Today is friday and that means WEEKEND!! I go home and when I walk to the living room I see no one. Mom where are you?? No answer. I start to panic and I scream MOOOM WHERE ARE YOU!! Emma relax I´m here, don´t worry. I run to her and hug her.Mom I was so scared where have you been? I was outside, but don´t worry I am her with you now.

The day I met Demetria Devonne LovatoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu