Chapter 1, The Journey

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Lucy's Pov, 

Natsu and I were standing at the stables as a young man with messy brown hair and grass green eyes walked over cleaning his hands with a cloth. "Natsu, let me guess want a horse" he spoke annoyed as Natsu smirked nodding. The man rolled his eyes and then saw me. "Well who is this angle?" he asked walking over, taking my hand kissing it. I felt my cheeks burn up as he smiled at me. "A friend, now got a horse?" Natsu asked sounding bored as the man glared at him and smiled at me once again. He took me over toward a white and gray horse. (One In Media) 

"A lovely horse for a lovely lady" the man then winked at me as I looked at the name on the stable above. Sliver Moon. It was a nice name. "How much?" Natsu asked as the man 'tisk' him. "For the lady the horse is on the house" he answered as I moved some hair behind my ear. "Thanks" I smiled at him as he smiled back. "Just remember to visit when your next here my dear" the man bowed and left me and Natsu alone. I walked over, petting the horse as Nastu looked at me. "Know how to ride?" he asked as I then rubbed the back of my neck.

Natsu chuckled. "That's fine we will both be riding Sliver Moon" Natsu then gave a toothy grin, going into Sliver Moon's stable, grabbing the saddle on the side placing it one her. Natsu then got on and rode her out the stable next to me and then offered me his hand. "It's going to be one long journey Lucee" Natsu made me looked at me a little confused as I took his hand. "Lucee?" I asked as he pulled me up onto the horse. I sat in front of his between his arms. "Your nickname" Natsu answered as I nodded. 

Natsu soon started to ride off toward the capitals exit. I looked around behind Natsu's shoulder as my eyes widen to see Loke. 

Mard Geer must of sent the Celestail Guards after me

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Mard Geer must of sent the Celestail Guards after me. As long as my father ordered them, they would listen. Loke turned his head, looking this way. I got a little scared as I turned my head fast. I noticed Natsu looking at me worried. "Who was it?" he soon asked making me look away from him. "A group of people who want to stop me from getting to Magnolia" I answered in a whisper as we got out the capital. Sliver Moon was pretty fast even with me and Natsu both on her. "Don't worry Lucee as long as you got me, you will be fine" Natsu made me shocked.

I then looked at him to see him having a toothy gin. I smiled a little, glad I met someone like Natsu. We kept riding for awhile until it was sunset. Natsu stopped Sliver Moon near a lake as he got off first before helping me. "Thank you" I smiled as Natsu looked around. "We will get camping gear in the next town" Natsu informed me as I nodded. I walked over to the lake looking at it shocked. It was amazing. The clear orange sky reflecting off the water. "This is amazing" I whispered enjoying the view. "First time seeing huh?" Natsu asked.

I nodded. "It's better view over here" Natsu grabbed my arm gently pulling me over. I followed as we then sat under a blossom tree. He was right. The view was more beautiful with the blossoms once and awhile falling to the ground thanks to the wind. I ended up leaning my head on Natsu's shoulder as I started to fall asleep....

Meanwhile Natsu's Pov, 

I was shocked when Lucy put her head on my shoulder. I looked at her to see her falling asleep. I smiled. She was different. I wasn't sure fully why but I felt like I had to protect her. Keep her safe. I was very confused but when I learnt we was heading to the same place, I was excited and glad. I was glad that she agreed to come with me. I wasn't sure why I felt that I had to be close to her. I watched as Lucy slept peacefully next to me. I carefully moved Lucy onto my lap as her head went on my other shoulder. "Should be warmer and more comfy" I whispered.

I leaned my head back onto the tree as Sliver Moon looked asleep standing near by. I was a tad worried when I heard people were after Lucy, wanting to stop her to get to Magnolia. I wondered why she was heading there. "Natsu where are you?" I heard Warren's voice in my head as I rolled my eyes. He had to of learned telepathy. Some ninjas could learn magic to help them. Took years to learn. Oh yeah, I was a ninja. "On my way home, I couldn't get near the castle to learn about Mard Geer" I thought back to Warren.

"Hurry back soon or Gramps will send HER" Warren replied as I sweat-dropped. I knew who he was talking about. the she-devil herself. Erza. She was like a mean older sister who would beat me up for the most smallest thing. I looked at Lucy again as she snuggled more into me. I felt my cheeks burn up a bit as I smiled. Why was I feeling this way? What was wrong with me? I knew lots of people many were girls and I had never felt like this before......



"I heard someone kidnapped the Princess" some people where whispering as I listened confused. The Princess? The one no one had ever seen? I never really thought there was a Princess. "Think that's true?" I asked looking at Lucy who was looking around. "Not really" Lucy answered as I could tell by the sound of her voice she was keeping something and didn't want to talk about it. Did she know the Princess? Maybe she was a personal maid of hers. We headed into a store and looked around at the gear. "What do we need?" Lucy then asked.

"A tent, cooking stuff and that's it really" I answered as we grabbed some stuff and headed to the counter. The man looked at the items and then came up with the price 50 gold. It was pretty dear but Lucy pulled it out of a small bag on her belt like it was nothing. H-how did she get that much gold? I was a little shocked but I kept quiet, not asking. After getting what we needed we left, heading toward an cheap restaurant. I was carrying every thing on my back with the held with a backpack of course. "Were we heading after this?" Lucy asked as I felt like someone was following us. 

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