Chapter 9, Rescue?

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A Day Later, Natsu's Pov, 

It took us a day of full riding and barley any brakes to get to the capital. Gray took the horses to the stables as Erza and I ran to the temple. It was dark out, giving us the upper hand. "You take the top floors and towers, I got bottom" Erza whispered to me and then was out of sight in a second. I put one hand on my katana holder, gripping it as I went into a tower with a light in it. As I got close I heard the maid from before. Virgo I think her name was. "Hime, please come eat dinner with your father" Virgo begged.

"My father can be killed for all I care" I then heard Lucy's voice shout at Virgo. I heard a sigh and not long after a door closing. I looked through the open window to see Lucy punch a wall, taking deep breaths. I jumped into the window. "Lucee" I whispered as she jumped and turned around. "N-Natsu? How?" Lucy whispered her eyes watering a little as I gave her my signature toothy grin before walking over to her. "Think I would let Mard Geer use you?" I then asked in a whispered as Lucy smiled at me.

Her smile soon faded as she sat on a queens size bed. "Even if I wanted to, I can no longer leave the castle" Lucy whispered sadly as I looked at her confused. I walked over, sitting down next to her. "What do you mean?" I asked as I put one hand on Lucy's shoulder. My grip on my katanas holder loosen. "Mard Geer has a spell on me, I can't leave unless he undoes the spell or dies a-and h-he-" Lucy couldn't finish, she hugged herself as I saw fear grow in her eyes. I started to get worried as I hugged her. 

"What is he planning?" I asked in a whisper as Lucy hugged back, crying a little. "I-Im being made to marry him" Lucy answered back in a whisper as my heart broke a little. I-I wasn't sure why but it did. I rubbed Lucy's back as I put my chin on her head. "I will brake the spell Lucy, Im going to get you out of here" I then whispered as Erza and Gray showed up in the room. "It's a powerful spell to brake flame brain" Gray rolled his eyes as I glared at him. "SHHH" Erza hit Gray around the back of the head.

It sent him flying onto the ground making Lucy giggle a little as she pulled away from the hug, whipping her tears away from her cheeks. "Gray get a hold of Levy and fast" Erza then ordered as Gray nodded and jumped out the window. Erza then started thinking as I stood up. "How do we deal with Mard Geer?" I then asked her as she looked at me. "We fight" Erza answered right away, bloodlust grew in her eyes. It scared me. I only nodded slowly as Erza walked over to Lucy, bowing to her. "Princess with your permission we would like to end Mard Geer's life" Erza then shocked me.

I saw Lucy was shocked also. "You have my permission" Lucy soon answered as we heard footsteps. Erza and I used ninja speed to hang outside the window, using ninja stars to hold ourselves on the wall. "Still hiding up here?" I heard the Underworld King's voice. Mard Geer. The grip I had on my ninja stars tighten. I wanted to end his life right there. "What do you even want with me?" Lucy replied upset you could tell by her voice she was scared. Mard Geer chuckled as you heard the door close.

"The only way to turn your Celestail power evil is to marry you Princess, your mother has a powerful seal protecting you" Mard Geer answered, making mine and Erza's eyes widen. Celestail power? I had seen something about that in some books while studying with Levy when I was younger. "All this for my mothers power, you won't get it" Lucy soon snapped the anger in her voice growing as she was close to shouting. "Even your Celestail guards are under my control, everyone in the palace but you is" Mard Geer sounded proud.

I wanted to hit him. "Let me guess my seal blocks your mind control?" Lucy asked nearly shouting as Mard Geer chuckled, opening the door. "You guessed right but your seal will be weaken if you marry a dark ninja" Mard Geer then answered as I heard him leave the room, slamming the door behind him. I lifted my head up to see Lucy standing in the middle of her room, her hands shaking. I soon got back into the room, walking over placing my hands on Lucy's shoulders. "Your ok Lucy" I whispered to her.

Lucy turned around to face me. She gave me a small smile as she then hugged me. I hugged back as I saw Erza smiling at us. God I hated her a little.....



We had to make him waste his power. "And about Celestail Power?" Erza's voice was in my head as I clashed swords with Loke. Erza attacked the goat-man and Gray attacked the cow-man with Gajeel. Laxus took on Virgo. "Celestail Power is very rare and is as powerful as a god when out of control" Levy's voice sounded a tad worried as it got me worried. Lucy had that power? T-they wanted to use her for it... "Celestail Power can heal, attack and create" Levy then added as Loke and I danced around.

Clashing our swords as he was defending pretty well. "If turned evil or go out of control it could destroy the world" Levy's voice sounded scared as I nearly froze up. Lucy had that? Lucy had some deadly power? Many people would be scared with that power. Maybe Lucy was. Loke soon pushed me backwards and attacked me. I blocked but he pulled out another blade this one was glowing gold. It made my blade feel warm making me smirk. "That won't work" I then laughed as my mind set my sword on fire.

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