Chapter 7, End Of An Adventure

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Natsu's Pov Still, 

In all honest truth, I never thought that the Princess was real. Then again there was many signs telling me Lucy was the Princess. "Loke you can't listen to my father right now, Mard Geer is controlling him" Lucy broke our silence as Loke sighed, shaking his head. Soon another man showed up to our side. Then again he didn't really look like a man.

 Then again he didn't really look like a man

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He looked like a part cow, part human. Gray and I stood confused and shocked still as Erza was the first to snap back into reality. "Like I said before, Lucy is under our protection" Erza then snapped as I noticed Lucy now look shocked. Gray and I soon snapped into reality and pulled out our katanas. Loke pulled out his own. "Loke this is an order, stand down" Lucy soon snapped as Loke sighed. "Sorry my Princess but your father has ordered your return" Loke replied as the half man, half cow pulled an giant axe off his back.

"Taurus take the black haired ninja" Loke ordered as the half man and half cow smirked nodding. It looked kinda creepy with that rape face smirk. "Capricorn come out of hiding and deal with the red head" Loke nearly shouted as another man who was part animal showed up.

 "Capricorn come out of hiding and deal with the red head" Loke nearly shouted as another man who was part animal showed up

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This wasn't going to be very pretty at all.

Lucy's Pov, 

Virgo was behind us, Loke in front of us, Taurus was to the right of us and Capricorn was to the left. We was trapped by a small party of the Celestail Guard. There was normally a lot more of them. The others had to of been hiding, watching even. I couldn't sense them like I normally could do though. "Virgo get Princess Lucy to the meet point" Loke then ordered as he ran, jumping over Erza, clashing swords with Natsu. Before the swords clash, Natsu pushed me away so I wouldn't get hit. "You must be punished for touching the Princess" Loke muttered coldly.

I got worried for Natsu. Loke was a great close up fighter. Capricorn ran at Erza, using his arms to block her swords. Under his sleeves of his suit was unknown metal stronger than any sword that I had known. Capricorn was also amazing in close fighting. Taurus ran at Gray clashing his axe with Gray's sword. Gray was pushed back as Taurus was known for being powerful. I felt someone grab my arms from behind, before I could even reach down to my whip. "Hime please don't make this harder than it has to be" Virgo asked.

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