Chapter 11, Fight

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Lucy's Pov, 

I was a little cold as I slowly felt my power coming back to me. I saw myself in Erza's arms as she was speaking with a guy with blonde hair. I then turned my head to see Natsu rushing at Mard Geer, pulling out his katana. C-could we really end this? Could we really win? "Gajeel get the rest of the ninjas, Gray help Natsu" Erza ordered her voice had a hint of worry. None of the guys around us said anything only ran off listening to the orders. I watched Mard Geer sent a dark blast at Natsu making him drop his katana.

Natsu jumped up and heading right toward Mard Geer, his hand setting itself on fire. I watched as Mard Geer blocked Natsu's attack with his arm. He blocked it like he was nothing. I saw a smirk grow on Natsu's face as Gray ran up behind Mard Geer holding Natsu's katana and his own. Gray was about to cut off Mard Geer's head until he spun around fast, sending Natsu into Gray. He soon then looked my way shaking his head. "And you trusted them Princess?" Mard Geer asked walking toward us.

Erza placed me on the ground as she pulled out her own katana. The blonde man next to her doing the same. "You are both nothing" Mard Geer's voice was lower than normal as a aura started to come off him. I was confused as I tried moving but something else affected me. A great pain started to build up in my chest and gut. I hugged myself as the pain started to get even worse. "LEAVE LUCY OUT OF OUR BATTLE" Erza screamed rushing at Mard Geer. I noticed when she screamed my name Natsu looked my way.

I was struggling to breath as I knew what Mard Geer was doing. H-he was braking my seal. "S-someone s-stop him" I whispered in pain one of my eyes watered a little as the pain started to grow to the rest of my body. The blonde guy soon joined Erza they both about to strike Mard Geer until he made vine grow out the ground hitting the two of them into the wall. Mard Geer started to walk toward me laughing. "You feel it don't you Princess? You unable to control your own body?" Mard Geer asked.

I-I hated that he was right. I couldn't feel myself in control anymore. "GET AWAY FROM HER" I heard Natsu as I saw him punch Mard Geer away from me. I was shocked to see how fast he got next to me. "Impossible" Mard Geer whispered glaring at Natsu as I felt power grow from him. Strange and unknown power. "NATSU DON'T" Gray and Erza both shouted as I knew this power. The power of a demon.... The most powerful demon in the world. E.N.D! Natsu was gone in a blink of an eye as he was then in front of Mard Geer.

His katana back in his hand all of a sudden as Mard Geer made a katana show in his own hand, their swords clashing. I started to feel lighter as I couldn't move my body anymore. "Lucy" I heard a voice whisper making me confused. T-the voice was my mothers. "You must stop darkness from growing before HE is freed" my mothers voice soon faded as I felt the seal lift. I felt it leave me as I got control of my body. The pain dying down as I sat up looking at my hands. I felt the power of the stars growing. 

I then looked back up to see Natsu pushed into a wall as Mard Geer was gone in a blink of an eye. Soon someone grabbed me from behind, yanking my hair hard making me let out a yelp. I saw this catch Natsu's attention as I was pulled up to lean on someones body a blade going to my neck. "What now E.N.D?" I heard Mard Geer's voice asked as I knew one move from me and it would of been the end. Natsu stood there worry and anger in his eyes. "Drop the weapon" Mard Geer ordered as Erza and Gray watched worried.

Both thinking of a way to get over this. That's when I got a plan. "Sorry mother" I whispered as I started to let my power take control. My body started to glow. "IDIOT GIRL" I heard Mard Geer shout as everything went black..... I-I couldn't see or feel a thing...... W-what was the Celestail Queen doing to my body???



"GRAY" I shouted as ice started to build up on Mard Geer's feet keeping him in one place. I smirked and jumped up going for the kill. "Idiots, trusting the evil Celestail Queen" Mard Geer nearly shouted as I stabbed my sword through his chest. He spat out blood from his mouth as the air around us started to get lighter. Started to turn good once again. "Now give me Lucy back" I snapped turning around, glaring at Anna. She was inside my Lucy's body. I didn't like that at all. She walked up to me.

"May I ask you one question before I go?" she asked as I nodded. "Will you protect Lucy Heartfilla with your life? Give her your love?" she then asked shocking me. Erza and Laxus got up, holding their arms in pain watching shocked. "I will" I then answered as she smiled her eyes turning brown again as the glow died down. Soon she passed out falling forward into my arms. "Lucy" I whispered worried looking at her. She looked weak and scared. "NATSU BEHIND YOU" Gray shouted as I turned my head to see Mard Geer.

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