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|《Zero's point of veiw》|

"Omo..." I groaned while rolling over.

"Ugh, Nevah."

"Nevah. Nevah, wake up."

After I finally drag my way out of bed. I turn on the lamp.

"Fuck... what?" Nevah, groans sitting up with blanket over her face.

"Oh, look sleeping beauty is awake."

Ugh I swear we unintentionally have a nocturnal schedule.

"Nevah. Get. Up."

"If I'm up you're up and we both know I hate waking up."

Walking over to my closet. More like trudging. I decide on a black sweater, leather jacket, ripped black jeans, and black hightop converse with a very white bases.

I really need to-

"Why are you so quiet- Oh my.. NEVAH GET UP." I say turning around.

"I am up." She says from beside me.

"Being a sushi roll in a blanket is not being up."

"Whatever, sis." She groans.

Yes. Nevah and I are sisters.

Twins. At that.

Ferternal twins but nevertheless twins.

"Zeroooo... what should I wear???" Nevah whines from across the room.

"All black. The usual. That's what I'm wearing." I say gesturing to the clothes sitting on the white and black carpet.

I decide to put on some music and as soon as I hit shuffle Big Bang's Fantastic Baby blares through the sound bar in our room.

I notice that Nevah has went in the bathroom probably to brush her teeth, so I decide to change.

As I put on my sweater I slightly hangs like it will fall off my petite shoulders.

Catching a glance of pendant that's the shape of a triangle with the shape of a paint splatter in the middle, hanging from the black leather choker around my neck. The gold gleams slightly by catching the light. My initials are engraved in the back of it. Z.B.

I was given this necklace 19 years ago when I was born. We all have them.

"WOW FANTASTIC BABY" I hear as Nevah yells the lyrics.

"DANCE" I yell along with her.

This necklace is connected to my soulmate. Your hair color also changes when to your soulmates favorite color when you meet them.

I just hope my necklace will lead me.

Okay! Hey guys, so I have been seeing all of these cool soulmate stories and decided to start one.

Thanks, XhaotixAesthetica

Anyway let's see how this goes.

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