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|《 Zero's point of view》|

Fucking hell. Why? Why? Just why today? Why am I not ready? Why am I actually having a mental break down over this? I should be happy. Extatic even. Yet, people also get rejected. I'm not about to go put my heart on the line. Fuck that.

I've been in here crying and on the verge on a panic attack for the last 15 minutes. I feel like nothing is real. My vision is blurring. I already have vertigo and migraines. It really isn't fun at all. But guess what through all of this.

My pendant is still burning and shining.

Nevah texted me. She knows I'm not okay. I really need to go find her I don't want her to be worried. She's my little sister. My other half. I always try to protect her.

Finally gaining a little bit of my sanity back. I look in the mirror and see my puffy red eyes.

I decide now or never. I'm only going out for my sister. Grabbing the door handle I swing it open and stumble a little but walk down the hallway and towards the table where everyone is sitting. I spotted them easily.

Each step I take my pendant burns even more. Gaining more heat than i thought was possible. I make sure to avoid eye contact and walk with my head down.

I'm about three feet away from the table and I dont see Nevah anywhere.

But holy fuck there are two guys here that I have never seen. I'm assuming they're Kai and Xuimin. I don't qknow whos who.

Something in me kicked into overdrive beacuse somethings not right and I can't find my sister. Noticing that both of their neacklaces are glowing like hell.

One of them is my soulmate. The other must be Nevah's. She ran. Shit! She ran. We have always had a habit of running from our problems.

"Wheres Nevah?" I ask Hyuna very panicked. Everyone is gaping at me and I definitely know why.

"She just ran out.-"

Before Hyuna could finish her sentence I was running to my car. I ignored everyones calls for me and just ran.

As soon as I was in the car I called Nevah.

She answered on the 3 ring. "Holy shit! Nevah where are you?!" I was mindlessly driving down the street trying figure out where she ran to. My vision is blurry due to tears.

"Running. I don't know where just running." She said through pants.

Her voice was just as horse as mine so I could tell she broke down just as much as me.

"Stop running. Stay where you are." With that I hung up. She was walkimg near a park. Shaking with sobs, ofcourse.

I was out of the car as soon I parked. I ran to her. "Nevah. What happened? Why did you run?" I said looking down at her because she immediately clung to me in a hug.

"My soulmate.. my damned soulmate." She responed trying to catch her breath. "Okay. Okay. Stop crying. Trust me. I know. Cmon lets get in the car."

Once we were in the car we both shared what happened. Apparently, we had the same reaction and booked it.

"Well, everyome has been blowing up my phone. I've ignored everything." I say driving down the road.

"Same. I'm not exactly in the mood to talk." Nevah says sounding exhausted.

"Where are we going?" She asks me while looking at me curiously.

"We're going to get coffee and then over to Hyuna's." I say keeping my eyes on the road.

"But what if they're there?" She saying leaning her haed against the window. Judging by the way she said 'they're' I'm guessing she meant Kai and Xuimin.

"Then we have to talk to them. We dont have to accept it. Just because they're our soulmates." I say.

"Lets just get coffee, then worry about that okay?" I say looking over at her reassuringly. "Okay." She responded sighing.

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