Mutts. A problem that fortunately Emma and the pack had dealt with and moved on in such a short amount of time for more problems were coming ahead. All they ever really wanted was some tranquility and peace that haven't been given to them yet and wa...
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WE WERE JUST OUTSIDE the Baton Rouge location that Clay sent us "He's here. The whole place stinks of him" I growled while smelling his horrendous odour "Yeah, I smell him too" Jeremy agreed. Just after saying those words the rest arrived.
Out of Clay's car walked Elena and Clay while Logan got out of his car which was behind them. Jeremy turns to the newly arrived and faces back at the house, walking forward "He's here" He said.
We followed him and walked closer to the house. Malcolm's scent got stronger and burned my nostrils. It smelled as if he he hasn't taken a shower in weeks. Jeremy lift up his hand as a signal for us to stop.
Following our Alpha's orders, we remained in our positions while Logan and Jeremy discussed about what will happen once we go inside and get Rachel, if Rachel's even in there.
I don't want to be pessimist but if she was here I would have already caught her scent, specially with her being pregnant. The scent of the hormones being secreted during pregnancy are almost impossible to miss to trained trackers like me.
It was one of the first things my father taught me to distinguish when looking for someone. The difference in smell between regular women and pregnant women "Are you ok?" Nick placed a hand on my cheek.
At first I kind of ignored it as I was staring at the house, the house that had Malcolm inside it. The true responsible for my father's death "Em, are you ok?" Nick repeated making me look at him "Uh? Um... yeah, what do you mean?" I asked honestly confused.
"Consider everything that have continuously happened to us and the fact that Malcolm is in there, I know how you feel towards him, Emma. As much as you want to find your own peace this, him, is sparking that hatred again isn't he?" Nick asked.
Well I must say, he knows me really well but I know he does not want me feeling any hate. He wants for me to avoid going on another killing spree. I half smiled and gave him a peck on the lips "I'm fine, really" I said and walked forward with Jeremy, leaving Nicholas behind.
My hand turned into a fist the moment I entered and saw Malcolm's face. A low growl originated at the back of my throat "I tracked you down" Jeremy told Malcolm monotonically "How does it feel to be running scared, father?" Jeremy asked.
At the end of that sentence you could almost feel the hidden satisfaction Jeremy had when saying that phrase. I grabbed Nick's hand tightly as a way to pacify my anger.