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3rd Person

     NICK WATCHED in disgust as he threw boxes and boxes containing viles of Savannah's blood. He couldn't manage to comprehend how one person could use a little girl to experiment for their own vicious and egocentric purposes. His disgust turned into anger as he grabbed a box labelled with 'Elena Michaels'. That anger almost immediately turned into hatred as it infuriated him seeing a box labelled with his wife's name.

     He opened both boxes to get a glimpse of what had been left inside only to find both boxes completely empty. He would have worried if had thought it thorough but he didn't really want to pay attention to it. Nick only cared about the fact that his wife was okay and finally with him once again. He didn't want to think about Aleister anymore, about the witches, about the fights or problems that come with being in the Pack. All Nick wanted to care about was his family.

     Nick wanted his wife to be safe and sound, and for his child to be born healthy. He wanted to become a normal family where he only had to care about paying the bills and wether or not it was his turn to change the diapers or Emma's. He wanted some peace and tranquility amongst all the chaos they had been living through. He wanted the nightmare to end and finally begin to live a dream.

     Nick knew that it couldn't be possible, not for any time soon as he crumbled the box with Emma's name into a ball and angrily tossed it into the fire, watching it burn away along with his preoccupation for her safety. As he burned all evidence of the hideous experiments tested in the facility, a few meters away stood Paige, who had been questioning a rather tired Emma about what happened.

     Emma couldn't help but show her worry and hesitation as she spoke with Paige, telling the witch everything that had happened while she had been held captive by Aleister. The testing, the pain, the spells. She could still recall the excruciating pain as if she was reliving it all over again in that precise moment. She could feel the warmth of the blood trickling down her legs as she cried in complete horror and fear.

She was worried about what the spells casted by Aleister could have caused upon her babies. She wanted to know if they were alright, she needed to know. Emma could only imagine what it would feel like if something had happened to them. She knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself, and she feared of going back to the woman who had slaughtered Ramirez's men in that warehouse back when the Pack was being attacked by Mutts.

If anything had happened to her babies, Emma would only be able to spiral down into complete chaos, and it would be dangerous to anyone around her and could potentially put their species in the danger of being exposed to humans.

Restored Humanity ▷ Nick Sorrentino [2]Where stories live. Discover now