ix. grand reunion

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3rd Person

     PAIGE SAT AGAINST a tree, staring at a piece of angelica, slowly losing hope that they would ever get Savannah back. She had tried to keep a positive mindset but everything that has happened the past days haven't allowed her to do so. Paige felt so lost and helpless, let along guilty for being the one on watch when Savannah was kidnapped. She had placed all this invisible weight on her shoulders and now its was starting to crash her down to pieces.

The young witch didn't have much to hold on to and she had now just realised how desperate her situation truly was, how every minute that passed complicated their outcome and made retrieving Savannah that much more imposible. Nick seemed to notice her gloom as he approached her, careful and slowly. The two had turned into good friends in the short amount of time they've known each other. After all, there is no better way to pull two people closer together than a common goal. Especially when that goal is getting back the people they love.

Both cared for each other, no one could deny that. Paige was there for Nick when reality of his gone wife struck him, she was the one to tell him that everything would be okay. She was the one to reassure him, the pilar he needed to keep his strength and hope up. It was now his turn to be that pilar for Paige and show her some support. Be the one with open arms and a shoulder where she could cry on.

"You know, for a bunch of brutes, you have everything a witch could want" The long pause she took failed to disguise the fact that she was relaying on sarcasm as a defence mechanism to avoid Nick seeing her so 'weak'. To avoid him seeing her succumb into feelings that would help in nothing to get Elena, Emma and Savannah back "Snakesroot. You know it as ginger. We've been over the uses of ginger" Paige exhaled, referencing the conversation the two took earlier when Nick was left embarrassed for giving her a root that witches used crucially for love.

Nicholas lowered himself to Paige's level so that he could be closer, see her directly in the eye. He didn't have to in order to know what she was feeling —he was feeling exactly the same— but he still wanted to, as a silent way to not only reassure her but himself as well. If they could find sanity and composure in each other perhaps they could keep it up until completing their mission "This is angelica. It can be worn for protection. There isn't enough angelica in the world to protect us now" Tears trickled down the witch's face, breaking Nick's heart.

He didn't want to see his friend cry, he didn't want to see her lose hope. She couldn't lose hope. So with determination he placed a hand on Paige's shoulder and got her to look at him, whispering with such care and gentleness that anyone would feel safe near him "Hey, hey. Look at me. We can protect you. We need you" He whispered.

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