Mutts. A problem that fortunately Emma and the pack had dealt with and moved on in such a short amount of time for more problems were coming ahead. All they ever really wanted was some tranquility and peace that haven't been given to them yet and wa...
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I watched the light of the fireplace reflect on my ring as I twirled it around my fingers. A single tear streamed down my face. I was angry, furious, disappointed but mainly, I was hurt. My husband had been with the very same witch who promised to help my family. The very same one I trusted my life with. The guilt in her scent... it made me wonder if it weren't for Clay would I have ever found out? How could she?
How could Paige have the guts to look me in the eye and pretend that she did? How could Nick do such thing? How could he?
I cried silently as I felt the movement of my babies. All I've been through, all I've suffered, all I've worried and what for? To come home to a cheating husband a lying witch. I didn't know how much time I had left and now I had lost the man I loved, my family. All the memories from the past months came flushing to the surface. The moment I received that call and heard Nick's voice for the first time in years. Coming back to Stonehaven, Pete's death, Antonio's death...
Fighting against the Mutts, fighting Ramirez, Jeremy's poisoning, nearly dying... up to finding out about the pregnancy, the witches, killing Malcolm, Aleister. Everything just came back like a movie being played before my eyes. I was mad at myself for thinking that despite all the hell we've been through, I was still happy with my life and the people in it. I was mad for liking the life we had, the fights, the adrenaline. It made us who we were.
If it wasn't for all that we wouldn't be the Pack we were today but I was pissed. I wanted to like a more quiet and peaceful live. Perhaps a nice house with a bug backyard for the kids to play in, a regular 8 to 5 job that I would probably get bored off and complain everyday, parent meetings at school. All of that. I wished to want and like that but I knew it wasn't who I was. It wasn't who I wanted to be, as much as I tried to convince myself of it, I could never lead a life different to the one I had.
"Go away" I muttered through gritted teeth as Paige's scent filled the room. That send of spices and just plain out nature. All witches had that kind of scent, very specific things standing out and differentiating them from each other "Emma please just- just let me explain. It's not what you think" She walked into the room, taking at seat right in front of me. I placed back my wedding ring on my finger and stood up, intending to leave.
I wasn't able to though, as Paige used her magic to close all the doors. I turned around slowly, anger rising up "Paige... let me go" I stepped closer to her. I could smell the fear she had of me attacking her but still, she looked at me confident and prepared. Prepared to defend herself and the situation she had put herself into "Hear me out, Emma, please" Paige pleaded. I sat back down on the chair while she watch, unsure of wether or not she should let her guard down and not expect me to attack her.