Mutts. A problem that fortunately Emma and the pack had dealt with and moved on in such a short amount of time for more problems were coming ahead. All they ever really wanted was some tranquility and peace that haven't been given to them yet and wa...
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TWO GUARDS HELD both Elena and I, just outside the door to the lab they've been experimenting on us. The urgency with which they took us out of the cell was odd, usually if they were going to take us here, they would simply tase Elena and drug me. This time they wanted us both conscious but why? What was different about this time that required us to be awake during all the examinations?
"Yes, bring them" Aleister's voice resonated through the walls jus before the guards pushed us in. In front of us was a big transparent glass serving as shield from the lab, Dr. Bauer sat on the floor with a dark robe draping down her body. Ginger hair all messy and voluptuous, expression of utter shock but also fascination "You'll know. I'll know you'll know. She injected herself. That is your blood cursing through her body" Aleister explained in a rather irritated tone.
Your blood? Which one? Elena's or mine? "Who's blood are you talking about?" Elena asked the same question I was wondering "Both" He sighed. She did what? Just the blood of one of us should be enough for the werewolf gene to bind to her DNA and change it's structure, eventually turning her into a werewolf. Injecting herself with blood of the both of us... the purity of our genes in her system should have killed her right off. The pain should have started the second she injected herself and the transformation should have killed her within minutes.
What Dr. Bauer did was suicidal, reckless. Why would she do that to herself? What's in it for her? "There's work that needs to be done. We're so close, she can't be sick for long. I need you to fix this" As calm as Aleister spoke it didn't take much to know he wasn't asking, he was demanding us to do the imposible. The gene was already running through her veins, infecting every cell and with time it was going to terminate her life.
"We can't fix this. Just make her comfortable, that's the best you can do" Elena explained. Dr. Bauer may have experimented in us, made us go through immense pain but despite all that, I wouldn't want her to die. Not like this... not suffering with unbearable amounts of pain while feeling estrange to your own body. I wouldn't want for anyone to die like that.
Aleister sighed at Elena's words, clearly not wanting this to be the only solution "You make it sound like she's going to die" He growled. Interesting. He held great affection for her, I could smell it "She is" I muttered, Aleister not liking my response "I decide who lives and who dies" He raised his voice at us.
"She decided this. She would have had a chance of survival if she only injected the blood of one of us into her system but the two? That concentration of werewolf genes, she's lucky she has survived this long... the only thing you can do now is wait, there is no miracle solution to this, Aleister. She won't make it out alive" I said.