xi. deadly truths

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3rd Person

THE CAR'S ENGINE shut off as Nick removed the key from the ignition. Him and Emma watched as Jeremy rushed his way outside the house, waiting for them to get out the car. Jeremy was known to not be affected by feelings, even in the hardest, most emotional situation he always keeps a cold mind, focusing on the objective side of the matter but this was different. This was his daughter.

The little cub he saw grow up for years and lived as his own. The very same who would wake him up from a nightmare she had when she was just 8, so that he could lay in bed with her and protect her from 'the monsters'. The very same that fought along side them when she lost his father, and later Antonio. The daughter who uncountable times has saved his life because he mattered to her.

It was his daughter, no matter what, the very same one he handed over at the altar a few months ago. The baby of the Pack, everyone's little princess, who had now turned into a queen to be feared and respected. It was his little girl whom he was about to see after having worried that he would never see her again.

Nick stepped out of the car as Emma breathing in deeply, exhaling through her mouth hoping that it would help with the mild nausea she had began to experience. She watched as her husband opened the door for her and help her out kissing her on the forehead as he made sure she was alright. Emma walked towards her home, as a smile grew on her face. She was back at Stonehaven with her family.

She walked faster as her eyes met with Jeremy's before beginning to run towards the man she cared for as another father. Her path came to an end once Jeremy's arms had engulfed her in a hug. She hugged back tightly as Jeremy kissed her head, thanking God that she was finally back home, safe and sound "I missed you" Emma whispered, voice slightly cracking at the end as tears quickly built up in her eyes. Jeremy responded by hugging her tighter "You're home now. Everything's going to be ok" Jeremy said, letting go of Emma to get a good look at her.

He smiled at the sight of her bump, hugged by the tight black shirt paired up with Nick's jacket. Emma noticed and immediately smiled, looking down as she caressed her bump "It's getting harder to hide" She chuckled "It's suits you" Jeremy stated "I know you're going to be an amazing mother" He said. Emma simply nodded, forcing the smile to stay on her face as she doubted if she would be able to even meet her children.

Jeremy must have noticed that something was up and immediately asked her if her baby was alright "Jeremy" Emma started, Jeremy starting to grow preoccupied "Did something happened? What did they do to the baby?" The preoccupation has started to turn into anger as the mere thought of something happening to the innocent child infuriated Jeremy "Nothing happened, it's just-" Jeremy wouldn't let her finish "It's just what? What is it?" Emma chuckled in response.

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