Mutts. A problem that fortunately Emma and the pack had dealt with and moved on in such a short amount of time for more problems were coming ahead. All they ever really wanted was some tranquility and peace that haven't been given to them yet and wa...
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WE RAN THROUGH the woods looking for Malcom. Elena and I were leading the way, following Malcolm's scent but stopped when the scent no longer existed "The trail's cold. Malcolm's gone" Elena commented.
Everyone sighed "Someone must have picked him up" I added. Surrounding me were every remaining member of the Pack. Jeremy, Clay, Elena, Logan and Nick "All the doors in the house were open. That's not a coincidence and neither is this" Jeremy said.
We all knew which hypothesis he has developed in his mind, and to be honest, we all believe him. This had to be work from the witches "The witches must have taken Malcolm" Jeremy only confirmed what everyone already knew.
"They have no idea what they have unleashed" Clay looked at nowhere in particular "The point is, he's gone" Logan spoke quiet irritated. Him of all people wanted Malcolm, he needed Malcolm to tell him anything that could lead Logan to Rachel.
"No. no, he can't be. We promised the Alpha council his head on a stake" Nick argued. As much as that was true, Nick didn't want to get Malcom back so that the council would be happy, no, he wanted Malcom dead cause he wanted to avenge Antonio's dead.
Nick wanted Malcolm to pay for what he did, to pay for who he killed "I'm going to find him" Nick said before running away with Logan following. I would have followed if I knew there was a chance of finding Malcom.
But there is not, like Logan said, he's gone "There's no sense in searching the woods" I looked at Jeremy "Malcom's gone" I added "There's no sense in any of this" Jeremy murmured before starting to head back to the house.
"What now? We can't just sit around and wait for the Alphas to return to mete out their punishment" Clay said as we all sat around the kitchen's table "Without Malcom, we have no way of protecting you from losing your seat" Elena explained.
The hard thing is not getting Malcom, we did that once. It will be taking him from the witches, that win't be easy "This isn't about Malcolm anymore. There's a dead Alpha in our war room" Jeremy started.
He shifted positions before continuing "Killing Rodrigo could be interpreted as a declaration of war" He said "The other Alphas cannot know he was here" I stated "Or that Malcolm escaped. We'll have to hide the body" Jeremy commented.
Before the conversation could proceed any further there were some noises coming from the great room. It was something like clattering. Jeremy walked out of the kitchen to find the origin of the noise but Elena, Clay and I didn't give it importance.