Mutts. A problem that fortunately Emma and the pack had dealt with and moved on in such a short amount of time for more problems were coming ahead. All they ever really wanted was some tranquility and peace that haven't been given to them yet and wa...
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3rd Person
AGAIN. FOR THE SECOND time Ella found herself kneeled in front of the toilet, throwing up until her body ached. The expecting mother whimpering as her body shivered, all color flushed from her skin as all the force in her body went extinct. She felt as if the touch of a feather would break her, hurt her. Her skin so sensitive that the mere touch felt like sand paper rubbing against her. Her hair messily tide up into a bun that Nick had tried to make without tangling her hair into a knot.
He sat down beside her, rubbing circles on her back. He felt terrible. Nick hated not being able to make his wife feel better, and he specially hayed what it all meant. He knew her time was running out. He knew that each second that passed was a second closer to losing his family. He worried to the core, the uncertainty of Emma's future wrenching him from his very insides. There and then he wished he had never called her back to Stonehaven. He wished he would have never opened his mouth and suggested Emma was the best one to help back when the first Mutt attacked those couple of months prior.
Would avoiding that call completely change what they were to date? Yes but at least Emma would be alright, Nick thought. He would rather not have the life he had if it meant that Emma would be safe and sound. He simply wanted her to be healthy and well. Nock flushed the toilet and placed Emma's arm over his shoulder to help her stand up. He felt he going heavy, her legs slowly giving in, he body going weak "Stay with me, Em. Just a few more minutes, come on" He placed his free hand on her back as support while she slowly brushed her teeth.
In walked Paige, a mug with hot tea on her hands. The with had slightly glistening skin, product of the rising fever she had. The witches were exponentially growing weaker and sicker, Paige faster than her mother. Her power weakening from the Undoing, her body deteriorated just like Emma but less abrasively. Paige's body slowly lost its strength unlike Emma who's sickness stroke by episodes. One hour she would be fine, feeling okay and the next she would be on the verge of passing out. It had been like that since the Undoing began. It was almost as if the lifting of her curse went by layers.
Each layer that was removed would be an episode she would suffer. The nausea, the pain, the disorientation. All of it. Just layers after layers of her curse. Leading the way for when no more could be removed "How is she feeling?" Paige asked. Emma sarcastically gives her a thumbs up, dropping her arm back down like a brick. To Emma her every limb felt heavy, like her bones had been replaced by cement "This is mandrake root. It's supposed to help you numb the pain, relax your muscles. It'll help you feel better" Paige explained, watching as Nick helped his wife to their bed.
Emma sat by the edge, both hands used as support on the mattress, her head looking down as she closed her eyes. A deep breath taken in. Nick sat beside her and carefully handed her the tea Paige just had in her hands, the witch's hands shaking now that they were free "Did you find anything in that book?" Nick looked up at Paige, hoping that her answer would be a blunt yes. Nick just wanted good news for once, she just wanted someone or something to get the weight off his shoulders before it buried him in the ground.