Ch 5

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The next day
I had cried all night not only because I had been in the argument with Christopher but also because my friends left me. Yup. Talk about fake friends right. They said that I wasn't gonna hold them back from being with the guys even though I never even told them anything. All I'm sure of right now is that I no longer stan Christopher. The other guys yeah but not Christopher. That and the fact that my two best friends are gone. So yeah now I'm stuck in my room with nothing to do anytime soon but cry at the fact that I am currently miserable and the person I used to love just hates me for speaking the truth. As I was in the middle of my thoughts and crying I heard my phone ringing and answered without looking at who it was...
Tracy- hello?
?- hey Tracy. It's Zabdiel.
Tracy- hey Zabdiel. If you don't mind me asking how'd you get my number.
Zabdiel- me and Richard stole it from Christopher's phone after we saw him leave and come back without you and mad.
Tracy- oh. So how can I help you?
Zabdiel- well what happened yesterday? Everyone kinda wants to know.
Tracy- why don't you ask you buddy I'm sure he should be the one to tell you.
Zabdiel- he left with his girlfriend somewhere for the weekend.
Tracy- I don't think I'm the one that supposed to tell you, sorry.
Zabdiel- ok then. How about we meet up somewhere and just talk, I promise not to ask what happened with Christopher.
Tracy- I thought you guys were leaving?
Zabdiel- I can catch up to them later on. It's no problem trust me.
Tracy- fine. Where?
Zabdiel- meet me at the Starbucks near the venue we played at yesterday, in 15.
Tracy- ok, see you then.
Zabdiel- alright bye.

We hung up and I got ready to go meet up with Zabdiel. I was in sweats and a hoodie before he called cause I was a mess but I didn't want to go meet him like that so I simply put on some jeans and a flannel with a bit of makeup and my hair in a ponytail. After getting done with that I got in my car and drive to Starbucks. Right as I got there I saw Zabdiel waiting outside and walked up to him giving him a hug.
"Hey. I'm glad you came. You look nice by the way." He says while we hug.
"Thanks. You look nice as well."
"Want to go order something or walk around a bit?" He asks me while pointing inside and to the sidewalk.
"Can we go order something? I just have a thing for Starbucks which is that I loooove it." I say and he laughs while nodding his head and opening the door for me to go in.
"Thank you."
"No problem. It's always the ladies first. Oh and by the way don't think you're going to pay for your drink."
"I'm paying. No discussions. I invited you so I'm paying. Get it, got it, good."
"No fair but I guess so if there's no discussions." I pout at him and he just shakes his head and orders our drinks.
After getting our drinks we decide to go walk around and talk for a bit.
"So, tell me about yourself Tracy?"
"Well what's there to tell. I had two bestfriends yesterday now I have no friends. Sorry. I'm just kinda in a mood right now."
"No no. It's ok. Want to talk about it?"
"I rather not bore you to death."
"I really don't mind listening."
"Ok well you remember Camila and Abigail right?" He nods his head and signals me to continue. "Well yesterday I was with them and we were with you guys which was totally awesome but then I get home and they call me saying they can no longer be my friends."
"I know I said I wouldn't mention this but, does this have to do with what happened between you and Christopher." He asks not sure of himself.
"I rather not talk about that topic but kinda."
"Look, whatever he did, he was really mad and that's why he left with his girlfriend. And as of your friends or ex friends, they stayed the night with Joel and Erick."
"Well good for them but I no longer care about any of them. I never needed them anyways. Can we change the topic? Why don't you tell me how tour is going?"
"Awesome. I've met a lot of my fans and they're all super amazing. I don't know what I'd do without them but I sure would do anything for them."
"You're such a sweet guy Zabdiel. Unlike some people I've met, you're just so sweet."
"You're sweet too."
"No. Not as much as you are."
"I bet you are."
"You're so cute."
"Zabdiel, stoooop."
"Ok now I'll stop. But you are sweet and cute."
"And annoyed. Mission accomplished." He grins to himself.
"You wanted to annoy me?"
"Yep. And I did."
"Cause now at least you're not sad."
"Well thanks then I guess."
"My pleasure."
After talking for a while longer Zabdiel had to leave to catch up with everyone else at the next stop so we said our goodbyes and he said he would keep in touch but I doubt it so I just went with it so he wouldn't bother. Anyways since now I really had nothing to do I went home and laid down. I had decided that I wouldn't cry because I lost my idol/friend and my two best friends because if they did what they did, they're not worth it.

Tracy and Zabdiel?? Do you think he'll keep in touch with her or not??


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