Ch 14

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Days later
We had already started keeping an eye out for both of the "lovebirds." Right now me and Zabdiel were currently looking out for anything suspicious going on with Ana. She was out shopping while Christopher was at rehearsals. The only reason why Zabdiel got to leave was because its just sound check so Richard had said he would make sure his stuff was good for later tonight. As we were in the store in front of the one Ana was in we saw a guy approach her.
"Woah, red alert. 12 o' clock." Zabdiel says. I turn every direction not sure where 12 o'clock clock was until Zabdiel grabs my shoulders and turns me towards the store Ana was at.
"Right. That way." I said as if I had known, "so who do you think that is?"
"Maybe her secret lover? A rebound? Wait no not a rebound never mind. I don't know but there's something going on between them, I mean look at the way she's 'seducing' him." He said pointing towards the pair.
"Oh my. Did you see that?"
"When he smacked her? Yup."
"We gotta tell the guys."
"We can't right now it has to be when we don't have a show or Christopher would probably cancel and we can't let the fans down."
"Awwe you're too sweet to your fans. I like it. Fine but we at least have to get some proof. I'll take a quick picture." I say getting my phone out and pointing it but then Zabdiel covers the camera.
"Is the flash off?"
"Yes. I have it on off all the time. Now can you move your hand before they leave?"
"Is the sound off?"
"I don't know."
"Ooops it's not. Thank you for that save."
"My pleasure. Now, you may proceed."
I take the picture and then Zabdiel and I leave before Ana goes out of the store with her man or whatever he is to her.

We get to the hotel and the guys were all in Richard's room so we go in that direction. Apparently Ana had called Christopher to go pick her up so he wasn't here, meaning we have the advantage to talk about what we had just seen. Since we didn't have a key Zabdiel had to knock on the door and seconds later we heard someone running on the other side. Erick opened the door and quickly pulled us inside.
"What did you guys commit a crime or something?" Zabdiel asks laughing.
"No but we don't want anyone suspecting anything. Christopher just got back with Ana." Erick says.
"Ughh. I hate her more now." I said.
"No babe no need to be hateful now." Zabdiel says hugging me, I look at him with a 'seriously' look and he bursts out laughing, "just kidding we all hate her. She stole our Christopher."
"Now tell us guys, what happened?" Joel ask.
"Well we were following Ana right and then out of nowhere this dude shows up and she's like seducing him you know. This dude however either knows her or she's just those type of girls that well you know...anyway that's because the dude just goes up to her and smacks her only for her to do nothing. We got a picture but Zabdiel said not to call you guys about it just yet because if you told Christopher he would cancel the show and Zabdiel here though of the fans." I said.
"Well let's see the picture." Erick says and I take out my phone to show them.
"Yo isn't this the guy that we saw yesterday?" Joel asks Richard.
"The dude from the lobby asking fo-" Richard starts but gets cut off by Joel.
"Someone who matches the perfect image of Ana!" Joel screams out but quickly covers his mouth and whispers it again.
"Dude they're on to something." Erick says, "now it's clear to us that they know each other and it's not in a friendly or business type of manner."
"Well we have to get ready guys. Show's in an hour and we have to change so tomorrow we have to find them together again in a compromising position and get Christopher to see it. Tracy pleasure talking to you but we must go now." Richard says and walks out but at the door Christopher is standing with Ana and they were about to knock. Erick stops suddenly and all the others bump into each other falling one by one except for Erick, who starts laughing uncontrollably at them then turns back to Christopher.
"Sorry man, what's up?" He says getting back to a serious tone.
"I need to talk to you guys." He says bluntly.
"Well sure. Can we talk about this at the venue though? We're already kind of late." Erick says while all the others are getting up and still laughing at themselves.
"No. That's what I need to talk to you guys about. You know what I'm just going to tell you right here, right now. I don't want to be in this band, group, whatever it is you guys call it. I want out, and I want it now." Christopher says raising his voice for the last part.
"What?!" We all say in sync expect for him and Ana of course who was probably the one to make him do this.
"You guys heard me. I don't want this anymore. I want to spend more time with Ana. She doesn't feel welcome here by the fans or you guys. She should be able to feel welcome here with you guys. You're my friends. Best friends. Why can't you guys just accept my relationship?" Christopher says annoyed.
"Do you really want to know?" Richard asks.
"Yes! This is my girlfriend we're talking about you guys not accepting. Of course I want to know."

Will they tell Christopher or not??


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