°Chapter 2° The Beet Up.

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Hello people! So i am going to say this fast. I will be posting new chapters everyday intill Chapter 100 or SOMETHING. So enjoy this and when I'm done i will keep the book going. But just called different. So yeah! Beyzzz peeps!

Zombi's POV

Everyone is so nice! And i got into a club on the first day! Wow. And they tell me that the school is curst! Oh boy. "Hey! Guys do yall have the rings?" Yuki said. "Mhm! Yep!" said Sam "Why do you ask?" i said in a scared way. "Because Dom trys to take them. But he really can't because they are bound to us." explained Sookie.

"Do you mean, like bound to are Sole?" i said. "Yeah! And they can't come off." said Soul. "WAIT LIKE EVER!?" I yelled. "NOOOOO!! not like that. Only the purson that wares there ring can take it off. Hear let me show you." said Sam.

*Sam takes off the ring and shows it to you.*
"Wow, cool!" i said existed! "Yeah. But- SAM LOOK OUT!!" yelled Yuki. "Wha- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" screamed Sam. "SAAAAAM!!!" i yelled.

Sam's POV

Yuki yelled for me to look out. "Wha- AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" i yelled. It was Dom. He grabbed my hand and tride to take my ring. "HELLO BUNNY BOY!" said Dom.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!" I was mad. No. I was PISSED! Pissed OFF! I grabbed Dom's arm and bit it. He dropped my ring. And i grabbed it and put it back on my finger as fast as i can.

"YOUR GOING TO DIE FOR DOING THAT!!" yelled Dom. He ran over to me, gun in his hand.
I was traumatized.
He shot the gun at me. But scence i am in the hibren club. We get powers. YES POWERS! WOOHOO!

I put my hands up and it made a wall. That was invisible. It hit it, but went strate in! It hit me in my chest and i fell. I saw Dom comming to me. He tride to tuch me. But i just grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the hand.

He screamed Zombi helped me up. And all of the Hibrens got all mad. And we were NOT happy about this.

/A/N/'s POV. (Mine😱)

All of the Hibrens got angry thay Dom shot Sam.
Sam turned into a Bloody Demon.
Yuki turned into a Bloody Devil.
Pepe turned into a Red Frog.
Soul turned into a flying bloody bird.
Sookie turned into a crazy killer.
Zombi turned into a Zombie.
Chan turned Insane.

Dom shot his gun at Yuki, Sookie, Soul, Zombi, Pepe, and Chan. Sam had a sword that was all bloody and hit the bullets back twords Dom.

All of the student's was watching. "TAKE THE SIDE THAT IS BEDER!" yelled Dom. As he was about to smile with defeat.

Evreyone went over to...The Hibren's. Seeing as Dom was in rage The groop sent Sam out to defeat Dom as they Protection the other Students.

Sam's eyes turned Blood Red and started singing Pretty Little Psycho. Soon the others in the club joined the song. Dom ran up to Sam and shot him in the head.

Sam pretended to be dead. When Dom had his back towards the bunny, Sam got up and stuck his sword into Dom's leg.

Soon Rowan And Okami came up to see what was all of the yelling and crying all about. But only to see Dom sticking a knife into Sam.

All of the Hibren's ran over to Dom trying to get him off of Sam. But was stabbed in the tummy. (Sorry can't spell) they all were on the floor. Blood everywhere.

Dom was walking over to the students. They were scared. And some were crying. All of the Hibren's got up and circled Dom. Holding hands. Saying words that was only in demons voice.

"!efiL roF lleH oT tneS eB lliW woN dnA ,s'nerbiH ehT lliK oT dedirT dnA , relliK ,ylluB ehT moD"

Yelled Sam, Pepe, Yuki, Soul, Sookie, Chan, and Zimbi.
Dom was killed and his body disuperd and his sole went to hell.

All of them calmed down and was now back into there regler self.

Sam's POV

"Wow. Well that was crazy. O-O" said Salex. "Mhm" said Rowan. "Can we eat now? I'm hungry." said Soul. "Yes yall may go eat. And yall take it easy. And no yall are not intruble Dom was going to be killed tomorrow, but, never mind. :D" said Okami.

"Ok. Lets GO AND EAT! ANNNND HAVE YALL SEEN MY CARROTS!?" i said. "Yeah i have them. Hear." said Taurtis handing Sam his lunch.
"And lets never speek of this AGEN! O_O" yelled Zombi. "Ok!" we all yelled.
And we all went to lunch! After we got cleaned up from the Beat up. -_-

Hey yall. So sorry if this was a short chapter. But i had nothing. O.o yas i had nothing in my mind. Even tho i. Dreamed about it in my head. I still had nothing. And forging me if the books are slow in the updated. But i am sick and TIRED from not being able to sleep and get bedder. So i hope yall have a great day and i will be doing the other book after i look for a picture on goggle!

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