Everything Is Lost...

29 3 13

Dom's POV

I hate Sam. I hate him so much that i wish he was dead! Well, good thing i am going to kill him tonight. >:D
I walked to the hospital and went up to a lady at the desk. "Hello! I am hear to visit SamuelGladiator?" i said. "Oh! Ok! He is in room 210 on the 4th floor!" she said with a smile. "Thank you love!" i said and walked away.

I went to the eluvaders and hit the 4th floor swish. When i got to the floor and fould Sam's room. I opend the door to find a sleeping bunny. I closed the door and went to Sam's bed side.

"Hello Sam. I'm not going to stay hear that long. I just want to leave you something- and this 'Something' is vary good~ not bad! Just,......GOOD." i said and smiled. I was about to get out the neddle when a Dr came in. "I'm sorry, but you must leave were closed." he said and grabbed my wrist and lead me to the door.

He locked the door behind him and left. "Shit!" i whispered. I was in the hospital for a hood hour and decited to leave. When i got down to the 1st floor and down to the waiting room i saw that no one was there.

I walked out and walked home. I put in my ear buds and played a song that i hate. 'I Hate You I Love You'. I was lising to it when i felt someone breathing down the back of my neck. I turned around to see no one there. I shrugged it off and keped on walking.

I took out my ear buds because my head stared to hurt. *buzzzzzz* i saw that my phone went off. "What? Who can THAT be!?" i said and looked at my phone.

?- I know what you did

D- Who are you!?

?- I am Sam's brother. OLDER brother.

D- Well then, HOW DID YOU GET MY NUMBER!?!?!?

?- uhh? Hack? Thats how?

D- Well thats new. And you know NOTHING! Hahahah-

?- I know that you went into the hospital and went to Sam's room and tride to kill him. Intill a Dr came in and told you to leave.


?- You BEDER run~

D- WHAT??? What do you mean "Run"!?

"Turn around Dom." said a voise. I turned around and saw a bunny Hibren that looked alot like Sam's dad. He grabbed me and pul3d me into a ally way and started stabbing me. I fell to the floor and was holding my stomach. "Now you get punished" he said and left me. I text Sam and he responded fast.

D- Sam, I'm ganna kill you

S- y?

D- Bc your brother-

M- Hey!!! Wyd?

S- Hey Mas! Dom was just talking to meh. :3


S- Who?


S- "..."

M- 🔪

D- I'm DIEING all ready! So you can't kill me Mas!!!

S- I- i- i gtg

M- Sam plz don't leave. *gives bunny eyes*

D- Sam your being played!

S- I don't want to hear it Dom. Just leave me alone.


S- Taurtis can i call you????

T- Yeah shure? Y?

S- "..."

M- Bad things.

Y~ Y are yall fighting!?

T- Yuki what are ya doing up

Y~ Idk. My phone was going off and i decided to see what was going on.

J- If i pay yall to shut the f*** up will yall stop?

S- *Started busting out crying*

S~ Oh no. 😦

Y~ Sookie can you get Evreyone on hear?

S~ Yeah!

JTS and Hidden- Whats going on?

O- Yall have school in the MORNING.


O~ Oh..


S- Groop chat. Asap.

*Sam has left the groop chat.*

T- Lest do a face chat.


Sam's POV

i wanted to do a groop chat. But insted its a face chat

II talked first and started crying

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II talked first and started crying.
After a hour of talking to evreyone Taurtis nocked on the door. (He told Sam that he was comming)
"Gtg. Come in!" i said and logged off of the chat.

"Hey Sam!" said a happy Taurtis. "Hi!" i said. "Can i tuch your ear?" he asked. "Y- yeah!!!" i said. He came over and started to pet me. "Sam are you puring!?!?" said Taurtis. "Nuuuu!😶😐" i said. He took a video of me puring and posted it on CRABUGRAM. And CrabTube.
I was to tired to think so i just,...drifted off to slumber.

So meh ganna do a new book!!!!!! (If ya like it. 😉) and do the other book tomorrow! <3 yall!!!! Oh and cloudyskiesabove I can do the RP !!!!!!! 😦😂


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