Lost in Time

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Sorry people I'm at a sleepover! So enjoy~

Sam's POV

"Ugh...my- my head hurts." i said as i looked at my surroundings. It was dark. I started getting claustrophobic from being in a chare and being in a small room.

"Hello Sam, how are you?" said a voise. I started breathing vary heavenly now. "H- h- ho- how- d- do- y- yo- you- k- k- no- ow- m- my- n- a- me- a- an- nd- w- war- are- a- am- i- i- am!?" i studerd.

"Oh come on now? Can't you tell by my voise?" said the purson. "N- no" i said. "Well bunny boy~ let me just TELL you then~" said the purson as HE!? started walking into the light.

"DOM!?!!?!?!? I THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE DEAD!?" I yelled "well, now you do~ so now i am going to say this. You are never going to get out of hear,...EVER!" he yelled.

The way he said never made a tear run down my face. Dom came over to me and grabbed one of my ears and then grabbed a bone cutter and started cutting my bunny ear.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" i was in pane. I was yelling so LOUD that my throat was hurting. I was a sobbing mess. "Hey sam~" Dom said. "?" i looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"THINK FAST!" he yelled and ripped my ear off. "NGH- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! STOOOOOP!!! STOP PLEASE!!!!!" i begged, but he didn't stop. And after what semend like hours he un tide me and i fell to the floor.

I was traumatised by what just happend to me. I was sobbing, scared, and i was bleeding. Dom came over to me and put a cane on my leg so that i couldn't run.

As he left i started crawling to the closets corner i could to. I curled up into a ball with my legs to my chest and my head in my lap.

"someone help me...please" i whispered and fell asleep.

Taurtis's POV

We were all looking for Sam when i saw a box at the school doors. "What do y'all think is in it?" asked J. "Idk but lets open it" said Chan.

Rowan put gloves on and opend up the lid. We all gasped when we saw that there was a bunny ear. "There is a note" said yuki. "Well reed it!" i said.

"Dear Ass holes!

Its me DOM and what you see is a bunny ear, not old eney bunny ear. But SAM'S bunny ear! I cut it off to let off a warning for yall. If yall wants Sam back then you must give me 100¥.

From Dom."

"Dom,...is alive!? Omg, pore Sam. We gadda git him back!" yelled Soul. "WELL LETS GET GOING! MAGGOTS REMEMBER YOU! LETS MOVE OUT!" yelled Rowan. And we all had guns and kniges in hand.

And this had to be the name for Lost in time.

Sorry my phone is DIEING!


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