Baddle, and blood.

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Taurtis's POV

We were all running to ware Dom had Sam. As we were running, i was looking at Evreyone. They were all determined to get Dom, and i saw that some were crying.

I was a sobbing mess, as i was looking back at the good and happy times when no-one wood hurt one another. We all made it to a old factory and went over the plan.

"Ok Soul, Sookie, Pepe, And Taurtis you will be staying out hear just incase Dom trys to run." said okami. "W- WHAT!!!!!? WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY OUT HEAR!-" i yelled. "Taurtis quite! Dom could hear you!" said yuki. "No...if I'm not going, I'm going by my self!" i said and grabbed a gun from pepe's hands and started walking to the door.

They were all whisper yelling trying to get me back. But all i did was hold up my middle finger and said, "Fuck yall!" and went inside. It was smelly, and cold and really dark.

I got out my flash light and started looking around. I saw that Evreyone was comming in to cover. "Well well well, look who joined the party. TAURTIS." i looked behind me to see Dom who was smirking.

"What do you want!? And wares Sam!" i yelled. "Tisk tisk tisk Taurtis. You see, this is all just a trap!" he yelled. "For who" i said with my gun on the trigger.


He said and pulled out a gun. "You see Taurtis, you were always to picky about stuff, dum, stupid, and week. But you were all ways the opeset around Sam. Everything you do, Everything you say, Will, NOT BRING BACK THE PAST! And it never will." he said.

Dom was right, i am dum, picky and stupid. And I'm not brave with out Sam with me. "Why do you think that, i went to a killing, crazy, school? Its because of Sam, he always made me feel safe, and not just because he is different from us human's, its because he has something that you don't have Dom." i said wile a tear rolled down my face.

"Oh? And whats that?" he said.

"A heart."

"ILL SHOW YOU WHO HAS NO HEART!. He yelled and ran into the darkness and came back out with Sam. When i saw Sam, i could tell that he was dieing from blood lost. Dom put the gun to Sam's head and was ready to pool the trigger.

"You have eney last words bunny boy?" said DOM as he pulled back the thing. (OK I'M SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS CALLED!!!!!!!)

"go. To. HELL." Sam hissed. " do you Taurtis?" he said wile not looking with egregious.

(Ok sorry, i just like how Dom douse not give a shit about what Sam said. 😂 ok now, BACK TO THE STORRY!!!)

"Yeah, READY! AME!.......FIIIIRE!!!" i yelled and then there was bullts and even darts fireing in evrey sopt. I dart hit Dom and he dropped Sam.

"MAGGOT GO AND GET HIM OUT OF HEAR!!" yelled Rowan. I nodded and started running. I had to slide to doge the dullts and darts. Once i was at Sam i grabbed him as fast as i could and ran out of the building, leavening Evreyone there.

I ran all the way to the hospital to get help. "H-HELP! I- I...I NEED HELP!" i yelled and atone of nurses came running over! (Lets just say, mabby around 100? Na jk. 5)

They grabbed Sam and put him on a bed. "HE NEEDS SURGERY ASAP!" yelled a man. "YES DR!" yelled other men.

"S- s- surgery?...o- oh- g- god no..." i said. I saw that people were looking at me, with fear. I looked down at me to see i am curved in head to tow, (sorry if that says 2"

"Hey, are you ok?" said a man that was a dr. "Ok?...ok...i am NOT ok." i said with tears in my eyes. "Well, do you want to talk about it?" he said. I saw that he had a neddle in his hand, ready to just jab it into me!

"Shur...lets talk." i said. "Ok lets go and sit down and you can tell me ALL about it" he said with a fake smile on his god dam face. I nodded and turned around and started walking when i just heard the most dumest thing EVER!!!

"Nighty Night~" he said. And jabed the stuped thing into my shoulder. "Wow, just, wow." i said as i turned around to face him. I pulled the neddle out then gave it back to him. "That REALLY hurt Dr. Ok lets talk. 1 why in the name if gored did you do that!? And 2 your not even a dr. So get out." i said wile walking over to a seceredy gard.

"Yo sir did you know that, THAT dr, is nit really a dr at all?" i said wile handing him a cut of jo. (And thats coffee😝😉😂)

"Hmm....nope i did not know that. Ill take care of it right now. Oh and huu...btw kid, thanks for the coffee i REALLY needed that!" he said with a REAL smile on his face. He grabbed the fake dr and put him out side then came back inside.

"Hello are you a friend with,...huu...SamuelGladiator?" said a women with a clip bord. "Yes i am whats rong?" i said. "Well, he needs blood, that is. 11A+. Do you know if you have that tipe of blood?" she said. "N- no...mine is 12B+. Sorry..." i said.

"But i do..."

Ok guys so that is it! And yes i am doing this in the god dam morning! So what!? Idc. And i hope you liked it! So now if you wood excuse me, i am going to bed! NIGHT!


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